Isnt it about time Anathema changed their name?

Strangelight said:
sure, but thats why they are still stuck playing festivals alongside the likes of Moonspell and co. when theres the potential to break to a wider (more musically compatible) audience. Do any of you get my point here or what?

Totally get your point but the name ' Anathema ' is not metal or dool/atmo whatever connotated IMO
Strangelight said:
haha, my point is that it IS metal because of the background of the band, so will always be associated with metal

But do the non-metal audience know Anathema used to play metal ??? I don't think they do !? :confused:
That's 'cos Ulver never knew what style of music they were playing in the first place
Strangelight said:
haha, my point is that it IS metal because of the background of the band, so will always be associated with metal

so a new name wouldn't change anything, the background, the bands history, will always be there won't it ?
I don't think it would all make that much sense to change the name, that business would call them "that ex-metal band" then, the background stays there.
After all, Antimatter as a brand new band, were 'put' into the metal scene after the first release, right? ALL because of Dunc's past. Being on the bill between death metal bands and that... And Antimatter itself NEVER made anything that sounded slightly metal, still, you can find reviews of their albums in almost every metal magazine. So if we compare positions of Antimatter and Anathema, if Anathema changed its name, I think Antimatter had way better chances to approach a non-metal public, with its somewhat trip-hoppish sound and no direct background at all. It's the people in the band that count, not the name they're carrying, also for the music business. So in my opinion, Anathema would make a wrong decision if they change the name. It may be rather sad, but I think whatever band Duncan, or Danny, or Vinny is in, they would be linked to metal either way.
beh. i myself think that if you really try to avoid the metalscene (for antimatter) you can. but it was a great start for them sayin dunc is ex-anathema.

but if Anathema takes a 'new' start, without mentioning directly that they were called anathema it shouldnt be a problem.

Mariner said:
but if Anathema takes a 'new' start, without mentioning directly that they were called anathema it shouldnt be a problem.


and how would they do it? Really, i can't think of a way? Any ideas? I'm not into that business stuff, so maybe one can tell me, what they would have to do?!
well first they need to finish 1 or 2 albums for mfn anyway.
perhaps after that they get offers from a major(s), what the band want so much (as far as i know) and then they might change the name for their own sake. If they sign a major they will be sure theyll sell quite some albums, otherwise a major label wouldnt contract them, cause its full of posh gets :grin:there
(and lets us not start that whole major or not discussion again... pleeeeeeease)