Isn't it Great?


It's "The Amish" To You
Feb 6, 2002
State of Beavers
I think it's fun to listen to people's reactions after listening to Anthrax for the first time. A girl at work said she'd never heard any Megadeth or Anthrax, and probably never would. I told her I'd bring her in both of their new cds, and let her borrow them. She replied in messenger back, "Holy Shit, Anthrax is awesome!" and she understands now why I like them. She likes Megadeth's, but not as much as Anthrax. She said she liked just about every song on WCFYA.
I actually got my husband to the point where he was starting to listen to Volume 8 all on his own. He was always "checking something" or some crap. Like he couldn't admit I was right about something. But then a few months ago, he started listening to country again, which is like 100 steps back. I've had WCFYA on in the kitchen a lot the last couple of months, and just when I thought I was making some progress, I got a "Niiiiiiccce" last week, which is his sarcastic way of letting me know he doesn't like it. :(
Fucking A \nn/ :hotjump: :yell: that's hot, I remember this Security guard\black girl I met at one Anthrax show and she totally got into Now its Dark and I'm the Man. This was in 88/89 when they toured with Ozzy and Lita. :Spin:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I actually got my husband to the point where he was starting to listen to Volume 8 all on his own. He was always "checking something" or some crap. Like he couldn't admit I was right about something. But then a few months ago, he started listening to country again, which is like 100 steps back. I've had WCFYA on in the kitchen a lot the last couple of months, and just when I thought I was making some progress, I got a "Niiiiiiccce" last week, which is his sarcastic way of letting me know he doesn't like it. :(

Maybe next month you'll be able to buy Tim his own copy of Volume 8 with the bonus tracks...............Hmmmmmmmm?
Over the years, I've gotten the wife to really dig the 'thrax. (She does prefer the John albums) And, strangely enough, she's gotten me into her fave, Meat Loaf over that same period of time. When I saw him last month, he had Paul Crook on tour with him. Paul plays Meat's stuff better than the tracks on the albums!
most people would dig thrax if someone just played it to them and told them to listen, i assure you ...

yup- it even happend to my friend who like deftones and m, manson shit. he heard WCFYA and came to the gig with me and LOVED IT!! so there ya go...

they could be huge, it's all about exposure at the end of the day.
DarbysDad said:
Fucking A \nn/ :hotjump: :yell: that's hot, I remember this Security guard\black girl I met at one Anthrax show and she totally got into Now its Dark and I'm the Man. This was in 88/89 when they toured with Ozzy and Lita. :Spin:

anthrax didn't tour with lita and ozzy. anthrax toured with ozzy and it was zach's first stint with the ozzman. lita only played the long beach show.
Sorry, I'm not totally right with the facts anymore. Got to much on my mind. :hypno: hey brat I don' think it's that much of a big deal if your old man listens to country, I give it a spin from time to time, but damn he should like Anthrax, LOL!!! :)
DarbysDad said:
Sorry, I'm not totally right with the facts anymore. Got to much on my mind. :hypno: hey brat I don' think it's that much of a big deal if your old man listens to country, I give it a spin from time to time, but damn he should like Anthrax, LOL!!! :)

Well, I listen to it on occasion too. But for him it's one or the other, he can't manage rock and country at the same time or something. He just doesn't like anything that I like, regardless of what it is. He won't watch Monty Python, and swears it's stupid, yet he can't name any of the guys, any of the movies, any skits, etc. or even why it's stupid. He's just very closed-minded about things. I think mostly it comes down to if I tell him something is good and it is, then I'm right and if I'm right then he's wrong and that just isn't allowed. :rolleyes:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Well, I listen to it on occasion too. But for him it's one or the other, he can't manage rock and country at the same time or something. He just doesn't like anything that I like, regardless of what it is. He won't watch Monty Python, and swears it's stupid, yet he can't name any of the guys, any of the movies, any skits, etc. or even why it's stupid. He's just very closed-minded about things. I think mostly it comes down to if I tell him something is good and it is, then I'm right and if I'm right then he's wrong and that just isn't allowed. :rolleyes:
reminds me of my marriage. My wife always says "You're always right, right" I mix all kinds of music and so does my wife. She can handle MTV2 more than I can though. She likes Lifetime movies, I like sports, We somehow compromise on Horror Movies and Comdey. :hypno: