ISO: Panasonic DA7. Pro Tools question


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2006
I'm interested in maybe buying a DA7. *I currently am using an M-Audio Projectmix I/O. *I am using Pro Tools 10 and Logic Pro 9. *Will I be able to control Pro Tools using the DA7 in a similar fashion as the Projectmix I/O? *I've read that the DA7 supports the Mackie HUI protocol. *Does that mean that mean I can have the faders,transport and other controls on the DA7 control the Pro Tools equivalents?
* * *Also, if I plug my instruments into the DA7, how do I get that D/A conversion into my Mac or PC so Pro Tools receives the audio signal? *Do I need another piece of hardware for that?
Lastly, I'm still in school and I'm looking for a good piece of equipment to replace my Projectmix. *I know the DA7 is over 13 years old. *Does this device have good preamps and overall good sound? *It seems like it has a good reputation.*