Israel concert


New Metal Member
Aug 13, 2003
Maybe this is a bit strange question, but I was wondering why A'a is going to perform in Israel. Because the band has firm beliefs in the Viking mythology, isn't it a bit strange to do a concert in a country where chritianity was born?

matthias, i tenned to believe AA are not that much of a posers `-)
They do it for the music, not the early faith. and thinking of it, regardint the history, Christianity was established in Rome.
Jesus did as a jew. His close followers never talked about creating a new religion, just reforming Judaism as it was during the times of the second temple you see... The early Greek and Roman followers of christ are the one to write the new testament

and heres a pic of the group in Tel Aviv :hotjump:
I don't care about any of this, except that I'm leaving my place in 5 minutes to get the the concert!
Hm, if you begin to think like that there isn't much places to play in at all in this world....

As stated before, you play where there's fans that want to see ya. It's as simple as that.

Soon even Israel will be the land of Amon Amarth.
Over Broen said:
hey is that a picture of garret in you avatar? i dont think bands really care where they play as long as fans show up.
1) It's a picture I made specifically for use as an avatar. Made it from scratch based on a photo of me, and of course influenced heavily by Garrett.
2) Correct. Fans -> shows.
3) The concert fucking rocked! The support bands were shitty and the crowd got a bit too wild when Amon Amarth began playing (the mamagement threatened to shut down the show), but then everyone calmed down (relatively) and all was good. AA kicked ass! Definitely topped my expectations, which were pretty high to begin with.
matthias said:
Maybe this is a bit strange question, but I was wondering why A'a is going to perform in Israel. Because the band has firm beliefs in the Viking mythology, isn't it a bit strange to do a concert in a country where chritianity was born?


for the record, i don't take kindly to the jews or christians (not to the point of starting shit with them), but here's the thing, if the fans exist in israel (kind of a bit of a shocker to me when i saw it in the tour section, oh well.), then it would be natural for a band to go there. i always thought israel never allowed people into the country besides jews (who have proof of the family lineage).
tal shiar agent 930 said:
for the record, i don't take kindly to the jews or christians (not to the point of starting shit with them), but here's the thing, if the fans exist in israel (kind of a bit of a shocker to me when i saw it in the tour section, oh well.), then it would be natural for a band to go there. i always thought israel never allowed people into the country besides jews (who have proof of the family lineage).

Jews are cool man.
AA Rocked, no doubt.
In general, I Believe that every band should go where it has fans.
I remember how Cradle Of Filth wanted to come to Israel like 2 or 3 times, and then cancelled in the last minute. It seems to me that they were afraid.
I commend AA for coming and playing.