Israel concert

KleptomaN said:
And we don't use camels as our main form of transportation, believe it or not!

seriously? who would have guessed! i dont think religion should forbid you from listening to good music, then again if this music goes against demeans(sp?) or speaks out against your religion you have got to ask yourself why am i listening to it?
Well, now, if you go around the world and spread the word of Odin and Thor, you might just be lucky enough to convert a few non-belivers.... Anyhow, the more places that are exposed, the less people will be afraid of opening up their minds to different stuff and different cultures. We need more biggotry like we need a hole in the head. Mind you, I agree that most bands probably go mainly wherever the record labels send them and so on. Having said that, I was sure glad to hear Johan was back home when that bomb went off just after they'd been in Israel!!
I'm Raff, and I brought Amon Amarth here to Israel, with my partner Tomer.

we're also glad that none of the AA crew was here while the terror action took place, but let me assure you guys in one thing:
1 - making sure that AA is safe and shit was our top priority.
none of the placed we've been to is considered "dangarous".
these terror actions are againts civilians, commonly occour in large
and croudy places such as malls, central stations, etc.
so we avoided coming to such places.

Other than that - I think the guys had a great time here, and we hope that they'll consider a 2nd show here.

Thanx a bounch - Raff & Tomer.
Over Broen said:
seriously? who would have guessed! i dont think religion should forbid you from listening to good music, then again if this music goes against demeans(sp?) or speaks out against your religion you have got to ask yourself why am i listening to it?

I dont really think that just from being religious I should never listen to music that doesnt fit my religion. Bullshit. Music is music. Lyrics are a different matter. And yet for me music is first. So religion doesnt bother me in that matter.
In addition, the orthodox jews are quite a minority in Israel. Everyone are upset from them interfering with culture and politics too. The problem is that no one should forbid anything to anyone excepet himself.
RaphistO said:
I'm Raff, and I brought Amon Amarth here to Israel, with my partner Tomer.

we're also glad that none of the AA crew was here while the terror action took place, but let me assure you guys in one thing:
1 - making sure that AA is safe and shit was our top priority.
none of the placed we've been to is considered "dangarous".
these terror actions are againts civilians, commonly occour in large
and croudy places such as malls, central stations, etc.
so we avoided coming to such places.

Other than that - I think the guys had a great time here, and we hope that they'll consider a 2nd show here.

Thanx a bounch - Raff & Tomer.

thanks for getting them back safely! i hope amon can go to israel alot more it sound like it was a good concert, but even more i hope they play in canada alot more...
Well this is a bit of a shocker to me, seeing as AA is supposively Asatruar, with songs like "the last with pagan blood", "god his son and holy whore", and ESP. "friends of the suncross" one would think something like this would be absurd, and it is to me. Why visit the land of the Christian God... even so much as perform for their inhabitants?? I say go there with a bunch of axes and hack them to pieces, Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike! Death to 2000 years oppression, filth, and lies! Death to those who destroy midgard!

Hail Oden

"Men from the north brought despair to the foreign land
Treasure they now have to bring back home
Villages were harmed and burnt, but vikings got their goods
All the gold and treasures found their way to Sweden

One should have seen how they crushed all their foes
No damn warning for the pitiful scums
They died within minutes when the great warriors came
Children were drowned and women were raped "
helgrind said:
Well this is a bit of a shocker to me, seeing as AA is supposively Asatruar, with songs like "the last with pagan blood", "god his son and holy whore", and ESP. "friends of the suncross" one would think something like this would be absurd, and it is to me. Why visit the land of the Christian God... even so much as perform for their inhabitants?? I say go there with a bunch of axes and hack them to pieces, Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike! Death to 2000 years oppression, filth, and lies! Death to those who destroy midgard!

Hail Oden

"Men from the north brought despair to the foreign land
Treasure they now have to bring back home
Villages were harmed and burnt, but vikings got their goods
All the gold and treasures found their way to Sweden

One should have seen how they crushed all their foes
No damn warning for the pitiful scums
They died within minutes when the great warriors came
Children were drowned and women were raped "

Amon Amarth are not asatru Johann even says so in a recent interview he does however say that he uses the stories of the gods in real life situations.

p.s. you dont have to try so hard this isnt christianity were not going to smack you for not being ultra tru.
Somebody is taking it all too seriously.

helgrind said:
Well this is a bit of a shocker to me, seeing as AA is supposively Asatruar, with songs like "the last with pagan blood", "god his son and holy whore", and ESP. "friends of the suncross" one would think something like this would be absurd, and it is to me. Why visit the land of the Christian God... even so much as perform for their inhabitants?? I say go there with a bunch of axes and hack them to pieces, Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike! Death to 2000 years oppression, filth, and lies! Death to those who destroy midgard!
QUOTE=helgrind]Well this is a bit of a shocker to me, seeing as AA is supposively Asatruar, with songs like "the last with pagan blood", "god his son and holy whore", and ESP. "friends of the suncross" one would think something like this would be absurd, and it is to me. Why visit the land of the Christian God... even so much as perform for their inhabitants?? I say go there with a bunch of axes and hack them to pieces, Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike! Death to 2000 years oppression, filth, and lies! Death to those who destroy midgard!

Hail Oden

"Men from the north brought despair to the foreign land
Treasure they now have to bring back home
Villages were harmed and burnt, but vikings got their goods
All the gold and treasures found their way to Sweden

One should have seen how they crushed all their foes
No damn warning for the pitiful scums
They died within minutes when the great warriors came
Children were drowned and women were raped "[/QUOTE]

Dude, ppl here today arent the ones that lived here 2000 years ago. In addition, religion isnt that popular here. And why wont we cut your fucking head off with a mighty axe???
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Dude, ppl here today arent the ones that lived here 2000 years ago. In addition, religion isnt that popular here. And why wont we cut your fucking head off with a mighty axe???

Ok, you'll have to answer to some 7.62 bullets first :wave:
helgrind said:
Ok, you'll have to answer to some 7.62 bullets first

what you would not meet your enemies on the field with sword and spear?:Smug: like a tru warrior?:Smug: dont get so high and mighty there your not going to single handedly take back what once was and by force it will not come. sword and spear may have worked then but now we shall use cunning and inteligence.. of course let not the sword be forgoten.
Over Broen]what you would not meet your enemies on the field with sword and spear?:Smug: like a tru warrior?:Smug: dont get so high and mighty there your not going to single handedly take back what once was and by force it will not come. sword and spear may have worked then but now we shall use cunning and inteligence.. of course let not the sword be forgoten.

Fuck it. I dont give a fuck really, just... it pisses off to see shit like this on the forum.:Spin:
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Over Broen]what you would not meet your enemies on the field with sword and spear?:Smug: like a tru warrior?:Smug: dont get so high and mighty there your not going to single handedly take back what once was and by force it will not come. sword and spear may have worked then but now we shall use cunning and inteligence.. of course let not the sword be forgoten.

Fuck it. I dont give a fuck really, just... it pisses off to see shit like this on the forum.:Spin:

pardon? did you possibly misread my post?
Over Broen said:
pardon? did you possibly misread my post?

Pardon me, dude. Its not your quote I'm referring to but helgrind's. Sorry for missunderstanding. All that was said in my previous post refers to helgrind, not you. Have a good day :)
Oh for fucks sake, did some anal numbnut say AA shouldn't tour to a Jew country haahah this board is FULL of Viking metal nerds fuck I can't believe it, it's year 2003 and BESIDES my ancestors weren't even half the berserers are many seem to think. The ones that actually raided did it because things were FUCKED back then, no supplies or land, so they had no other choice than to go out and trade (thats right TRADE they were goddamn buisnessmen) for their future. Hah. Everything else is bullshit they were just people.
rofl - this shit is totally funny:loco:
You guys know what? - Take some beers out of your fridge and DRINK!!!

Yeah, the viking(and germanic for my part) stuff is indeed very interesting, but don't use it to do shit (and be historical correct!!!!), okay?;) AND don't interpret everything! Some things should be interpreted, but some don't.
You know when its time to do so and when not.

As for now, see the above comment (TAKE OUT THE BEERS BOYS;) ).
Nah I've been drunk ther last 2 weeks straight fuck i can still smell the Sambuca so I'll give it a rest max. 3 days