It amazes me...


May 6, 2001
How great of a taste in music you people here have. You know, I was expecting about 90% of you to be death metalheads. I constantly see some of my favourite bands being mentioned -- Anglagard, Anekdoten, Devil Doll, Pain of Salvation, Genesis, etc. Hell, I even saw Henry Cow here somewhere. I mean, how distant can RIO get from Opeth? Actually, not very. Opeth is as progressive as any and I just thought I had to get this out! :)
Originally posted by nyleve
How great of a taste in music you people here have. You know, I was expecting about 90% of you to be death metalheads. I constantly see some of my favourite bands being mentioned -- Anglagard, Anekdoten, Devil Doll, Pain of Salvation, Genesis, etc. Hell, I even saw Henry Cow here somewhere. I mean, how distant can RIO get from Opeth? Actually, not very. Opeth is as progressive as any and I just thought I had to get this out! :)

Aag. A RIO listener ? Do you know some cool bands in the vein of Henry Cow and Univers Zero ? Can you describe ?

D Mullholand
NP: Jeff Buckley - Grace
BEst Jeff Buckley album? I've been meaning to get some for ages, and as you're listening now
Uuum, also do u know the best tim buckley album?
Originally posted by godisanathiest
BEst Jeff Buckley album? I've been meaning to get some for ages, and as you're listening now
Uuum, also do u know the best tim buckley album?

Grace is his only album (I haven't heard this Sketches thing, but it's post-mortem), and it rivals Blackwater Park as one of the best discoveries of the year for me !

I haven't heard ANY Tim Buckley.... what is his music like ?

D Mullholand
Originally posted by D Mullholand

Grace is his only album (I haven't heard this Sketches thing, but it's post-mortem), and it rivals Blackwater Park as one of the best discoveries of the year for me !

GRACE is a work of brilliance :o I never get tired of that album :)
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Its bluesey apparently. And he had an eight octave range when singing :mad:

C'est impossible, man. Diamanda Galas is already unique in having a FOUR-octave range, but eight octaves - you're mistaken.

D Mullholand
Originally posted by godisanathiest
BEst Jeff Buckley album? I've been meaning to get some for ages, and as you're listening now
Uuum, also do u know the best tim buckley album?

i have to say Sketches is great, i love that first cd, the second is poor. its got a few Radiohead style songs, and you can see the Muse influence, although Jeff was much better. it also has nightmares by the sea. YARD OF BLONDE GIRLS is one of my fav songs ever, i somehow don't like Grace that much but i seriously recommend sketches for my sweetheart.
i realised something that i should have a long time ago, with nightmares by the sea, after my fav line ''stay with me under these waves tonight...'' he goes into the chorus with no feeling, Katatonia give that extra feeling in their version, so i like both for different reasons. but i figured out that its probably been fixed together from different samples or something.
How great of a taste in music you people here have. You know, I was expecting about 90% of you to be death metalheads

So just because YOU don't like death metal, to like death metal means that then one doesn't have a good taste in music.

Edited because of my poor choice of words.
Originally posted by D Mullholand

C'est impossible, man. Diamanda Galas is already unique in having a FOUR-octave range, but eight octaves - you're mistaken.

D Mullholand

:lol: Mayb. I know for a fact Jeff had a five octave range tho :grin:

I just looked itup- it was four octaves at the age of 17 :loco:

Which extended to five and a half :p
Originally posted by MacMoney
So just because YOU don't like death metal, to like death metal means that then one doesn't have a good taste in music.

Quite true, but if you only listen to death metal, then you don't have a very broad range, and you're missing out on a lot. (which i thik is what he was getting at - he like the diversity of our tastes)

So you like sketches better trannie? Well, I'll just have to get both and see what I think :grin:
Originally posted by godisanathiest

So you like sketches better trannie? Well, I'll just have to get both and see what I think :grin:

well gramps sketches is very good, its got so many styles in it, and i know you'll love a few songs for their radiohead sound. its different from Grace but well worth getting, yeah i have both too, just need to get that live DVD, yay.