so is it just me or what

I guess it's just a matter of ears. To me a song like By The Pain I See In Others is ten times more evil, twisted and dark than anything on Watershed.

Another thing that may be a reson for me not liking Watershed is that it's not melancoly and sad. At least not compared to what Opeth has done before. Like I said the mood on Watershed doesn't do much for me.

Coil, Burden and Hex Omega are all pretty Melancholy songs. Hex Omega especially is something I spin up if I'm having a kinda depressed day.

Watershed is an interesting album, its different to what they've done before. I'm not a massive PH fan and do think thats its placement jars the atmosphere of what is otherwise a very well constructed album mood wise.
I guess I am more into the heavy stuff. But the lack of agression on Watershed is deffinetely not the reason why I don't like it that much. Probably it's more the new feel, mood whatever. Michael said before it came out, that it would be really evil and twisted. And to my ears that's really not the case. I really don't know why I don't like it. The new direction is probably just not my thing.

Hell Porcelain Heart is just so damn boring.

Agree. It lacks a certain something for me. I can't quite pinpoint it, but it just seems a lot of the riffs, melodies etc are slightly less tasteful and, dare I say it, perhaps a little more cliched.
What the fuck..?
This guy just directly said that every Opeth album except for Blackwater Park is shit, and you actually take him seriously?
Man, you can say that you can't relate to them or that you don't like them but it's just your opinion which is worth just as anybody else's, and since I'm in an Opeth forum I think I can speak for almost everybody by saying that Opeth is an astonishing band with great music! :kickass:
It's been 10 posts and nobody pointed it out, so I guess I will.

Well I can agree to this only if 5 my pals caught me in a dark alley and forced me to make a guess about which songs look alike on Watershed and Ghost Reveries. I just can not think them equivalent. So different ambients.

So, WTF? Are you racist or something?

Well I can agree to this only if 5 my pals caught me in a dark alley and forced me to make a guess about which songs look alike on Watershed and Ghost Reveries. I just can not think them equivalent. So different ambients.

I find this incredibly offensive. Apparently you have yet to evolve. Why is this post not deleted by moderators?
whoa, easy!

I said that because I saw that kinda line a couple of times and thought that it was some kind of an idiom. I am not a native speaker and not aware of where my speech is leading sometimes (which in this case I just tried to visualize a fearful scene), I do not mean to be racist in any kind.

And still what if wrote 5 white guys etc etc would that be offensive against caucasians? Blacks are mentioned here because from what I hear from American tvs they are the poorer people and most probably they are the ones to be involved in usurpation and thievery. All statistical nothing personal. (Now please do not get into the usual stuff about people do not come to this world with evil inside but rather develops these kind of thought via their social environment etc I know that and did not say anything in that direction.. Mine is an observation about the existing truth.)

And again I want to emphasize, I do not have anything against blacks at all and I do not live among them either. I havent seen them much, havent talked to them in my life at all, there are practically no blacks living where I live (maybe 0.001% of the population is black here maybe less) so it is not possible for me to build racist feelings against them at all.. Just misunderstanding I think.
Well you could've easily said "thugs / muggers / gangster" instead of "my pals". That's just making it race-specific and makes it sound like you have something against them. If you said "caucasians" that wouldn't be right either but the N word is considered a very derogatory term, at least when used the way you said it. Out of all racial slurs, and maybe all curse words, N word takes the cake because of its history of oppression on an entire race of people. If you really didn't know what you were saying because you live in a place where there is no black people, I wouldn't blame you, especially if everything you know about blacks came from American TV. It's a very sensitive word and the only people who get the privilege to use it are black people. Don't ask... :rolleyes:
Thanks guys, I couldnt have guessed people being so sensitive about this especially while living amongst caucasians, but hey learning never ceases I guess :)

(I bet you would all be surprised if I was a black too which would then grant me the privilege to use the N word heh)
P.S. Your name is anus slayer of the dogs.... how can anyone take YOU seriously?

You see, I am a member of this forum to be able to get in touch with other peeps that adore Opeth like I do and ro share my opinion and read theirs', to trade information about Opeth between each other. I don't really give a fuck if I'm not being taken seriously as long as it's not exaggerated, that is, in a level which they still listen to my opinions and discuss them and I get my purpose mentioned above.

By the way "anus slayer ov the dogs" is a song by a technical death metal band called Nile which I can recommend to you guys if you hear other bands that are heavier than Opeth at the time, and the song is actually called "Unas Slayer Of The Gods". :lol: