It finally clicked...


Red, Hot, and Heavy
Jul 6, 2002
San Antonio, TX
Visit site
... and clicked HARD. Today I picked up the re-releases of The Dark Discovery and Solitude Dominance Tragedy. Before today I had had In Search of Truth and Recreation Day and I LIKED them, not loved, just liked. I thought they were pretty bad ass at PP IV and enjoyed their set. Well, I havent even touched Solitude yet, I just got through As Light is Our Darkness on Dark Discovery before I was compelled to post this. Oh my dear God I cannot describe how unbelieveable the music is that's coming out of my stereo right now. The emotion, the melodies, the sheer DARKNESS of this album, it's something I havent heard before, its just, just, just fucking indescribeable really. I finally know what Opeth fans rave about now and when they say they just cant describe what they feel in the music I can now relate to it with Evergrey.

Hahaha, I'm glad to be there! I'm gonna start busting out Recreation Day and In Search of Truth again after I (if I can) digest these two I picked up. I just popped in Solitude on my cpu to see the video for Masterplan, and woa. That's the kinda stuff the X Files can only wish they could dream up. Really weird, but not in the "look at us, we can be weird in a nonsensical abstract fashion" bullshit some bands do. Still, woa. I'm almost thinking about calling into work and just sittiing here having an Evergrey - athon.

I dont have the normal versions of Dark Discovery and Solitude but theres all the lyrics and whatnot, the only thing I think might be added is like three lines from Tom on the front page of each booklet. Both come with videos too, Dark Discovery comes with For Every Tear that Falls, and Solitude comes with The Masterplan, which kicks alot of ass.

Daybreaker said:
I dont have the normal versions of Dark Discovery and Solitude but theres all the lyrics and whatnot, the only thing I think might be added is like three lines from Tom on the front page of each booklet. Both come with videos too, Dark Discovery comes with For Every Tear that Falls, and Solitude comes with The Masterplan, which kicks alot of ass.


Well, they sound pretty cool so I'll probably fall into the gimmick and buy them even though I've already got the albums ... :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Solitude Dominance Tragedy >>> Any other Evergrey album
I have it just behind "In Search of Truth".

Have you heard the new one yet? It's a bit different, but still distictively Evergrey. Not sure how I feel about it yet. The constant religous/spoken word passages tend to overwhelm the disc at times.
