It looks like the Camel fuckers are at it again


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Please read this article.
at the end of it the link where i found it is available.

Flight crews and air marshals say Middle Eastern men are staking out airports, probing security measures and conducting test runs aboard airplanes for a terrorist attack.
****At least two midflight incidents have involved numerous men of Middle Eastern descent behaving in what one pilot called "stereotypical" behavior of an organized attempt to attack a plane.

****"No doubt these are dry runs for a terrorist attack," an air marshal said.
****Pilots and air marshals who asked to remain anonymous told The Washington Times that surveillance by terrorists is rampant, using different probing methods.
****"It's happening, and it's a sad state of affairs," a pilot said.
****A June 29 incident aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 327 from Detroit to Los Angeles is similar to a Feb. 15 incident on American Airlines Flight 1732 from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to New York's John F. Kennedy Airport.
****The Northwest flight involved 14 Syrian men and the American Airlines flight involved six men of Middle Eastern descent.
****"I've never been in a situation where I have felt that afraid," said Annie Jacobsen, a business and finance feature writer for the online magazine Women's Wall Street who was aboard the Northwest flight.
****The men were seated throughout the plane pretending to be strangers. Once airborne, they began congregating in groups of two or three, stood nearly the entire flight, and consecutively filed in and out of bathrooms at different intervals, raising concern among passengers and flight attendants, Mrs. Jacobsen said.
****One man took a McDonald's bag into the bathroom, then passed it off to another passenger upon returning to his seat. When the pilot announced the plane was cleared for landing and to fasten seat belts, seven men jumped up in unison and went to different bathrooms.
****Her account was confirmed by David Adams, spokesman for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS), who said officers were on board and checked the bathrooms several times during the flight, but nothing was found.
****"The FAMS never broke their cover, but monitored" the activity, Mr. Adams said. "Given the facts, they had no legal basis to take an enforcement action. But there was enough of a suspicious nature for the FAMS, passengers and crew to take notice."
****A January FBI memo says suicide terrorists are plotting to hijack trans-Atlantic planes by smuggling "ready-to-build" bomb kits past airport security, and later assembling the explosives in aircraft bathrooms.
****On many overseas flights, airlines have issued rules prohibiting loitering near the lavatory.
****"After seeing 14 Middle Eastern men board separately (six together and eight individually) and then act as a group, watching their unusual glances, observing their bizarre bathroom activities, watching them congregate in small groups, knowing that the flight attendants and the pilots were seriously concerned and now knowing that federal air marshals were on board, I was officially terrified," Mrs. Jacobsen said.
****"One by one, they went into the two lavatories, each spending about four minutes inside. Right in front of us, two men stood up against the emergency exit door, waiting for the lavatory to become available. The men spoke in Arabic among themselves ... one of the men took his camera into the lavatory. Another took his cell phone. Again, no one approached the men. Not one of the flight attendants asked them to sit down."
****In an interview yesterday with The Washington Times, Mrs. Jacobsen said she was surprised to learn afterward that flight attendants are not trained to handle terrorist attacks or the situation that happened on her flight.
****"I absolutely empathize with the flight attendants. They are acting with no clear protocol," she said.
****Other passengers were distraught and one woman was even crying as the events unfolded.
****The plane was met by officials from the FBI, Los Angeles Police Department, Federal Air Marshal Service and Transportation Security Administration. The Syrians, who were traveling on one-way tickets, were taken into custody.
****The men, who were not on terrorist watch lists, were released, although their information and fingerprints were added to a database. The group had been hired as musicians to play at a casino, and the booking, hotel accommodations and return flight to New York from Long Beach, Calif., also checked out, Mr. Adams said.
****"We don't know if it was a dry run, that's why we are working together with intelligence and investigative agencies to help protect the homeland," he said.
****Mrs. Jacobsen, however, is skeptical the 14 passengers were innocent musicians.
****"If 19 terrorists can learn to fly airplanes into buildings, couldn't 14 terrorists learn to play instruments?" she asked in the article.
****The pilot confirmed Mrs. Jacobsen's experience was "terribly alike" what flight attendants reported on the San Juan flight.
****He said there is "widespread knowledge" among crew members these probes are taking place.
****A Middle Eastern passenger attempted to videotape out the window as the plane taxied on takeoff and, when told by a flight attendant it was not permitted, "gave her a mean look and stopped taping," said a written report of the San Juan incident by a flight attendant.
****The group of six men sat near one another, pretended to be strangers, but after careful observation from flight attendants, it was apparent "all six knew each other," the report said.
****"They were very careful when we were in their area to seem separate and pretended to be sleeping, but when we were out of the twilight area, they were watching and communicating," the report said.
****The men made several trips to the bathroom and congregated in that area, and were told at least twice by a flight attendant to return to their seats. The suspicious behavior was relayed to airline officials in midflight and additional background checks were conducted.
****A second pilot said that, on one of his recent flights, an air marshal forced his way into the lavatory at the front of his plane after a man of Middle Eastern descent locked himself in for a long period.
****The marshal found the mirror had been removed and the man was attempting to break through the wall. The cockpit was on the other side.
****The second pilot said terrorists are "absolutely" testing security.
****"There is a great degree of concern in the airline industry that not only are these dry runs for a terrorist attack, but that there is absolutely no defense capabilities on a vast majority of airlines," the second pilot said.
****Dawn Deeks, spokeswoman for the Association of Flight Attendants, said there is no "central clearinghouse" for them to learn of suspicious incidents, and flight crews are not told how issues are resolved.
****She said a flight attendant reported that a passenger was using a telephoto lens to take sequential photos of the cockpit door.
****The passenger was stopped, and the incident, which happened two months ago, was reported to officials. But when the attendant checked back last week on the outcome, she was told her report had been lost.
****Recent incidents at the Minneapolis-St. Paul international airport have also alarmed flight crews. Earlier this month, a passenger from Syria was taken into custody while carrying anti-American materials and a note suggesting he intended to commit a public suicide.
****A third pilot reported watching a man of Middle Eastern descent at the same airport using binoculars to get airplane tail numbers and writing the numbers in a notebook to correspond with flight numbers.
****"It's a probe. They are probing us," said a second air marshal, who confirmed that Middle Eastern men try to flush out marshals by rushing the cockpit and stopping suddenly.
Holy Fuck.Close the borders to all people of middle eastern descent. If your even part jawa you go back to your hole in the desert. Even if half your family is American you gotta go.At least that will cut down the odds of an incident. Actually if your Muslem you got to go.
Yeah no shit Bobo! That is pretty scary stuff, this is why I think the whole homeland security is a joke. That fucking Pumpkin Head Tom Ridge is the most useless dick for brains. That whole branch hasn't produced any kind information that might save us from another tragedy other than that useless rainbow guide that no one pays attention to to begin with. Sheeesh thats some scary shit, if I was on that plane and seen that many jawas, my ass would be off that plane in a heartbeat.
I'm bringing my sons over to The U.S. in november......fucking rag head mother fucking halal eating shits.........NO MATTER WHAT they aint going to put me off!!!! what the fucks up with security at fucking airports I think there to fucking busy looking for money in cases (last visit to Newark,bastards robbed me CUNTS)... IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF SHAGGING PYRAMIDS then you should NOT be allowed on a plane.............PERIOD..stick to camels & donkeys.
I dont mind extra security checks HELL i'd even strip if it ment I'd fly safe, I dont mind waiting extra hours what ever...These dodgy looking, sweating, pig hating, god daming, cave dwellers need to be veted when boarding if the've got nought to hide they wont mind proper searchs and checks... :hotjump: .
FUCK UPSETTING THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS, WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF DECENT PEOPLE.......there should be no soft options just secure measures..
Terrorists do not give up ever.......catch em then kill em , dont send them back...(especialy to us we had about 10 come back from x-ray..I aint trained but what the fuck were they doing ther anyway GUILTY KILL THEM ALL!!).
we use to let out IRA bombers then wondered when then struck again

I have no problem with normal people coming to live and work in America. But if your sole purpose in life if to kill for some religion you should be hung by your ballz and beat to death. Plain and simple. If your country even has a hint of support for a terrorist group than its death from above. The whole muslem religion is about killing the infadel. Which is everybody. Brainwashed fools. :hotjump:
Billy you bastard. That scares the shit out of me, I'm never gettin on a fucking plane!
I dodn't know about you guys but if those assholes sarted to take over a plane and I was on it I would start kickin the hell out of them I don't care if I get shot or get killed better me than the rest of the flight, I bet they will jump in to stop them once they knew what was going on. Those marshals should really start to check them, that kind of activity is too damn suspiciouse to let go unchecked. What if they were to set off the bomb in the bathroom? if someone had checked them It would have been at least confirmed if they were doing anything wrong, or stopped before it was too late.
The thing is if we where to specifically check the muslims, we would be accused of "racism", due to political correctness. I say fuck it, for our safety I feel it is imperative that we make sure that these fundamentalist fucks don't hide bombs, and use them to cause damage and murder innocent people. Fuck political correctness.
This proves that all Muslims and Arabs should be considered suspects. That may sound racist, but these camel fuckers are the biggest threat to the US, and we need to do whatever we can to keep our country safe! And people say that Saudi Arabia is out friend! Yeah, close your eyes, click your heels together 3 times, and say that the Saudi's are our friends and it MIGHT come true.
I read another article that said Middle Eastern men were jumping up out of their seats and making sudden moves in an attempt to determine who on the flight was a Federal Air Marshall.
They arent fucking around. Something is going to happen soon.
Cryptkeeper said:
This proves that all Muslims and Arabs should be considered suspects. That may sound racist, but these camel fuckers are the biggest threat to the US, and we need to do whatever we can to keep our country safe! And people say that Saudi Arabia is out friend! Yeah, close your eyes, click your heels together 3 times, and say that the Saudi's are our friends and it MIGHT come true.

I agree mate the Saudis are not on our side at all. I feel they (saudi government) secretly support radical islam fuckheads, so we must stop them. saudi arabia is basically under an islamic dictatorshit, so fuck them.

CryptKeeper, I noticed you have just got into S.O.D, thats cool mate, I'm rather new myself, and I recently purchased "Speak English Or Die", and "Live at Budokan", both are excellent albums, loud and fucking aggressive. Great Stuff! I'm gonna go looking for "Bigger than the Devil" soon as well.

No Usurper Dan, those fundamentalist shitheads aren't fucking around, I hope all terrorist scum are caught and punished severly.
humungo said:
CryptKeeper, I noticed you have just got into S.O.D, thats cool mate, I'm rather new myself, and I recently purchased "Speak English Or Die", and "Live at Budokan", both are excellent albums, loud and fucking aggressive. Great Stuff! I'm gonna go looking for "Bigger than the Devil" soon as well.
I've actually been into SOD/MOD for a while, but I've just started posting in Billy's forum. This is a great forum!
Cryptkeeper said:
I've actually been into SOD/MOD for a while, but I've just started posting in Billy's forum. This is a great forum!

Whoops sorry, I read on another topic that you just got into them, must have misread :loco:

Yeah this is an awesome forum.

You like quite alot of black metal bands which is cool.
I totally agree. We can't let 9/11 happen again. Those assholes already hate us anyway so why should we care about pissing them off by being "racist" and not allowing them on planes? If it will save American lives i'm all for keeping these sand people out of our airports and off our planes. As the classic S.O.D song says...Fuck the Middle East!!!
GWOODS said:
I totally agree. We can't let 9/11 happen again. Those assholes already hate us anyway so why should we care about pissing them off by being "racist" and not allowing them on planes? If it will save American lives i'm all for keeping these sand people out of our airports and off our planes. As the classic S.O.D song says...Fuck the Middle East!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Sand people! thats funny.
But yeah, we should stop trying to not sound or act racist towards them, say get them all out of this country, If they don't like us why the hell do they make their way over here? We invited them, so what the hell is their deal?
they should be Kissing our asses and moving back to where they came from! I'm not racist either but I don't want to endanger the lives of others by letting them stick around, and letting them get away with acting suspiciouse on planes in midflight. They don't deserve to be here, we invited them here and this is how they repay the favor? Fuck no! I'm tired of this bull-shit, they need to go seriosly. I'm not gonna act like an ass to them if I see them, but I will if they are acting funny. Peace ain't never been free so they better start paying up if they want peace.
old school headbanger said:
I try not to show/ act racist towards these fucks...........Its hard sometimes.

Yeah I understand mate, but still we have to realise that most terrorists are muslims, and they pose a very large threat to us. So we have to be extremely cautious.
We have to be suspect of all of them. I can't help but be racist toward these sandniggers. They are the reason for most terrorism in this fucked world. There refusal to get with the times and act like civilized humans is the problem. Old school thinking is the problem. These people treat each other like fucking animals.They have no respect for human life so they should be hunted like the filthy animals that they strive to be.Jawa may be a good food source for the homeless.They probably taste like chicken. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
bobo'c said:
We have to be suspect of all of them. I can't help but be racist toward these sandniggers. They are the reason for most terrorism in this fucked world. There refusal to get with the times and act like civilized humans is the problem. Old school thinking is the problem. These people treat each other like fucking animals.They have no respect for human life so they should be hunted like the filthy animals that they strive to be.Jawa may be a good food source for the homeless.They probably taste like chicken. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

The ass of a chicken.........................
bobo'c said:
We have to be suspect of all of them. I can't help but be racist toward these sandniggers. They are the reason for most terrorism in this fucked world. There refusal to get with the times and act like civilized humans is the problem. Old school thinking is the problem. These people treat each other like fucking animals.They have no respect for human life so they should be hunted like the filthy animals that they strive to be.Jawa may be a good food source for the homeless.They probably taste like chicken. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Your deffidently right about that shit Bobo , they want to live cavemen, Im all for it , but at the same time alot of "muslims" want TVs, VCRs, Microwave ovens , all the things we "the Infidels" have, cause alot of them dont want to live like cave men. So naturaly its our fault........

If these fucking Jawas werent so set on living in the past, they could be working on being the richest countrys in the world, with all there oil exports and shit, they could be living phat.