It says Opeth at the top of the page...

justus x

Meat Puppet
Jul 17, 2001
I was under the impression that this was an Opeth forum, rather than an anti-religion forum. I came here to read about Opeth, not see people yammering on and on about how much they hate religion and how evil it really is and how stupid religious people are. Try taking it elsewhere, I'm sure the internet is littered with gathering places for it, considering how trendy it is today. That is all.
It is not an anti-religion forum.
Not everyone here is against religion, there must be some christians or satanists or whatever.
We are just posting subjects outside the 'Opeth-world', because if we only talked about Opeth, we would be out of ideas, dont u think? Anyways, Amen too heh :grin:
I was under the impression that this was an OPEN-MINDED, UNCONTROLLED forum, rather than an ANTI-FREE SPEECH forum. I came here to read about WHAT EVER PEOPLE WANT TO TALK ABOUT, AND WHAT EVER I WANT TO POST about, not see people yammering on and on about how much they HATE POSTS ABOUT RELIGION AND SUCH, WHEN THEY CAN JUST AS EASILY SKIP THEM AND ONLY READ THE OPETH POSTS, AND HOW STUPID PEOPLE WHO READ THIS FORUM ARE. Try taking it elsewhere, I'm sure the internet is littered with gathering places for it, considering how trendy it is today. That is all.

Yes, this is an Opeth forum, but that doesn't mean we should restrict our subject matter to only Opeth. Although i'm not particularly interested in religion, or 4th dimensions, i realise that some people are, and i'm always eager to learn new things.

This is one of the best forums i've ever seen, with no offensive posts, nice and intelligent people, so please don't limit yourself to Opeth-related posts. Think of all the classic posts such as "who is the sexiest?", "is opeth better than sex", "which hand do you use" (hmmm... see a trend?) that wouldn't have existed if an "opeth nazi" had been moderating....

You complain yet you chose that as your name?! I got the impression at first that you were down for that type of chatter.
If all we talked about was Opeth, you'd see even MORE "What's your favourite album" and "What's your favourite song of OrchidMorningriseMAYHStillLifeBlackwaterParkCoverSongs" polls.

I always liked to think that people who share a taste with me that I hold in high regard would be intelligent people. What we discuss is intelligent, but not so familiar that it could be moved to a chat environment (read Satori's uber-long posts ;). Due to the nature of the intelligent people who frequent this forum, questions about the existence of god or a 4th dimension, or, hellforbid, POETRY, should be expected.

If you dislike such posts, by all means, don't participate in them. Or, go to a different forum where people merely compare bands and fight about it for 80 posts.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love this forum. It's everything I'd like it to be. There's a great collection of intelligent people here who have provided me with insight beyond my own in any number of cases.

So stay, or leave. Complain, or join in. We're glad to have you here, and we'd be even more glad if you cracked your intellectual knuckles and got in the ring.
I don't know...Honestly, I'm a bit sick of all the recent religion posts, but I wouldn't go as far as to make them forbidden in any way.
I am aware of the fact that this forum is full of people with huge egos, and people of such character usually like to argue. BUT, it's not really arguing when you can take an hour or two to think about what you're going to say to the person that you feel is wrong. This leads to an endless discussion that mainly consists of bullshit. So when I see somebody writing a five-page response to a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no, I don't quite know what to think, except that it's rather pointless.
I don't mind people discussing different issues, but I am kind of tired of religion. So, to people who like to start such threads, please pick a different issue next time. Thank You.
Originally posted by Despot
I don't know...Honestly, I'm a bit sick of all the recent religion posts, but I wouldn't go as far as to make them forbidden in any way.
I am aware of the fact that this forum is full of people with huge egos, and people of such character usually like to argue. BUT, it's not really arguing when you can take an hour or two to think about what you're going to say to the person that you feel is wrong. This leads to an endless discussion that mainly consists of bullshit. So when I see somebody writing a five-page response to a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no, I don't quite know what to think, except that it's rather pointless.
I don't mind people discussing different issues, but I am kind of tired of religion. So, to people who like to start such threads, please pick a different issue next time. Thank You.

I find you perspective on this quite interesting. I find that anything truely worth arguing can not be simply answered with a yes/no response. As to your lamenting that people take an extensive amount of time to post their thoughts, would you rather they just spout off their thoughts in a stream of consciousness? I find that all to many posts are of this variety, leaving a post of incoherrent blabber, leading to more posts questioning the content and even more clarifying what they could have said with one, intelligent, well thought out post.

If you don't want to read posts about religion, then don't. They are many posts here that I have no interest in reading, or maybe even find offensive. But I would never dream of asking anyone on here to accomodate my personal opinion.

So to address your last concern, I leave you with a simple resounding "no". This one doesn't require any argument at all.
It never fails. In any forum somebody is going to bitch about what is being discussed, whether it doesn't fit the topic of the forum or whether he/she just plain doesn't like whatever is being discussed. Seriously, how long can people talk about only Opeth and nothing else without repeating themselves over and over again? One of the greatest things about this forum is that we discuss basically anything and everything with others of a similar mindset. I've never understood why, if someone doesn't like the topic of a particular thread, why they just DON"T FUCKING READ IT!
I am upset because I clicked on this thread expecting a good discussion about the Opeth Logo, only to find a thread that has nothing to do with Opeth. At least the other threads you hate are labeled, so you can choose to go in or not. I DEMAND THE 5 MINUTES I LOST READING THIS THREAD BACK!

Of course I am just joking. :)

Originally posted by justus x
I was under the impression that this was an Opeth forum, rather than an anti-religion forum. I came here to read about Opeth, not see people yammering on and on about how much they hate religion and how evil it really is and how stupid religious people are. Try taking it elsewhere, I'm sure the internet is littered with gathering places for it, considering how trendy it is today. That is all.

Hmm.. and you felt this was worthy of starting a new thread?

If this forum isn't up to your content standards, perhaps I can suggest you find a new forum which is?

best wishes,

hey why the fuck do you have a problem with my stream of consiousness... thats how i post my messages... and your saying that its not good to open up different sub topics within topics??? what the hell are you talking about thats what makes the board good... i can drift off and start talking about something else... and it keeps the topic going... what the hell does everyone want a one sentence reply to everything and stay on the same topic ? its impossible
If you can't see the intellect contained within this forum, then either your mind is clouded by the reality you perceive around you, or you are currently unable to open your mind and see "outside the lines" in any situation you may be in, including this Opeth forum.

I, at first, came to this forum expecting Opeth,
but it took no time at all to realize this forum was different. Sure, I've made Opeth posts (including the Funeral Portrait one I am about to enter), but I come here to get something that isn't readily available in the "real" world - clear, concise discussions on difficult topics.

I hope you will one day see the light, but if not, I hope you get something out of this forum. I guarantee it will not change because of one persons voice - it will take something much deeper.
As much has this has already been beaten to death like an overstuffed pinata with a Mexican midget trapped helplessly inside, I'll add to the heap.

I believe in choices, and freedoms of choices and expressions. My notion of "pro-choice" extends far beyond the abortion issue. In this case, it goes like this: People say what they want to say. If you don't like it, either argue it, or DON'T READ IT.

For example, if I was to say:


You'd have two options. One, you can point out to me how pointless, rude, and vulgar the above statement was, and how it could not possibly aid anything I say in any way, or two, you could simply ignore it and move on to the next thing. Please don't whine that I'm taking up space with material you're not interested in reading and make statements that I should be unable to do so.

The openmindedness and open-topiced natures of this forum are what, besides the collective of intelligent individuals assembled, make it what it is. I'd hope all can see that.

THAT, my friend, is all.
Thank you all for your time...
Originally posted by Mikael is God
hey why the fuck do you have a problem with my stream of consiousness... thats how i post my messages... and your saying that its not good to open up different sub topics within topics??? what the hell are you talking about thats what makes the board good... i can drift off and start talking about something else... and it keeps the topic going... what the hell does everyone want a one sentence reply to everything and stay on the same topic ? its impossible

I'm assuming your replying to me. I think you just proved my point very well. I didn't at all say that I wanted one line answers, I said I wanted well thought out answers (i.e. the opposite of one line answers). My comment about stream of consciousness was not referring to opening up subtopics, but rather people not actually answering the question at hand or the question posed to them in the debate.