It's 8am and you get a call.......


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
from Metallicas' management asking you to produce and record their next album. They are tired of the negative reactions of their last few albums and need something new.

Here are your choices
A) Take the job. (explain what you would do for the next Metallica and be specific)
B) Say no because you just don't like Metallica. (enuff said)
C) Say no because you like Metallica but don't wanna be the reason for another shitty ablum.

A I would take the job and tell the guys in Metallica we are gonna take it back to the Master of Puppet days. and most of all I would ask James to stop with whoa yeaahhh shit and keep it metal.
A) Take the job. I'll give them all shitty haircuts, 8-strings and a wobble bass patch for Massive then sit back and admire my handiwork. I've just done the impossible and made Metallica even shittier :D
I'd probably freak out because I'm that big of a Metallica fan! Having said that... after hearing the last few albums, I STILL think even I could do a better job producing/ tracking them haha!
I'd take it... It would be amazing. No budget limits/ a band who's been around for ages and knows the drill.. It would still be amazing regardless of the outcome :)