Its Alive!


May 11, 2009
This is not the Spawn amp I've been talking about, that is the Upgraded DIG...Thats still coming..This is Franken AMP..


The Franken amp allows you to build your own amp by selecting components from the Preampus Classic Hybrid Line of amps. This rudimentary version contains 4 Classic Hybrid amps that are based on Sound City, Hiwatt, Vox Fender, Marshall, Gibson, Orange, and LANEY. This is only the first version and we have 20 Classic Hybrids coming. So, really as we progress you will begin to see QUITE an array of components to choose from...As a Classic Hybrid passes Beta testing and is released, its components will be consumed by Franken Amp...So thats 20 Tone Stacks, 20 Gain Sections, and 20 Power amp sections, that works ot to be something Like 8000 amplifier combinations!(I think...)Hmmm 20 X 20 X 20 = 8000. Yep thats right..

Also this is not the final skin, it will be different. I am not a very good skinner, luckily we have 6 Skinners that have greatly improved the skins we are releasing...And I hope very soon to be able to start releasing again...

And hey!! I just noticed, I'm a senior member here now...When did that happen..Cool!

Sweet! I've been really "digging" the DIG suite lately! Great job on that one! What ever happened to the Pecker Head, etc. amps that were going to be released? Really interested in those.
Sound City, Orange and Laney? Mmmmmm sounds like a tasty sludge-worthy release. Wish there were a Mac version...
LOL, These will all be re-skinned, The Preampus classic are starting to number I believe we are at like 11 now and will be growing to 20. So There is Dick Head, Pecker Head, Tamla Head, Gimme Head,Brain Head II, Knuckle Head,Mr.Tater Head,Meat Head,Catharsis,Pin Head,. There is one more too, but I can't remember it. These are all in the Gestalt Suite as well as their components will be placed into FrankenAmp. Dig 2.5 Has been discontinued as the technology used in it is really not up to our new standards. It is being replaced with Spawn, the son of DIG. Same idea as DIG with the tweaks, but more realistic and better sounding model. I really want to get these things released ASAP. I am just waiting on Skins for them..Then I do whatever fixes are asked for , one more quick round of testing the fixes and out the door!