Its band discovery time!

May 6, 2001
Here's the deal.... load up some site that lists lots of unheard of underground metal bands with reviews... pick a band you've never even heard the name of before.. useAudiogalaxy (or some other mp3 downloading thingy) and download at least 2 songs and then tell us about them, how good they are, who they are copying, what style they play, how long they've been around, whats bad about them, etc etc...

Lets see what we can dig up!

if you cant be bothered finding a site then go here:
Shitty looking site, simply lists every band in alphabetical order, almost everything gets a good review, etc etc... this'll make sure you get something really unusual.

Ok, starting looking for my first band now.....

(seriously do this, support the struggling metal bands, you may just stumble across something that deserves more exposure!)
AY!!! Finally!!! A GREAT thread!!! :eek:)))

I dipped into the archives of and started moving my
eyes down the page. I stopped at Dakrua. Probably cause it reminds
me of the Suidakra band name for some weird reason.

Started reading the review of their album Dakrua - Shifting Realities
and was a bit thrown off when the band was described as goth/doom
metal... I have outgrown that genre... But still gave it a try, didn't
want to go back since the game had already begun! >:eek:P

Downloaded "Frozen Sun" and "The Waiting". Not bad, not bad at all.
Yes, this is goth, quite easy goth as well. Lina might like this since the
girl does not sing with an operatic voice... Her voice is very normal,
but still good. Powerfull, but not yelling. + There are no "tragic"
elements in the music... The growling is a bit weird, more like really
low tones that the man can't sing so it just turns out the way it does...
Some clean male vox too, I like it. The beat is good as well.

The chorus on "Frozen Sun" gets better every time you listen to the
song. I'm starting to really like it!

But this is no where near unique and special, like goth used to be.
The genre just stopped progressing. I can't compare Dakrua to any
other band, I'm just not good at that :eek:/ But it's typical goth/doom...
Dakrua has been around since 95 I think, so maybe some of their
earlier stuff is better...?

I'd recommend "Frozen Sun" for a start, but don't expect your
world to change >:eek:P As for me; This band will always be special,
cause of this thread. Thanks YaYoGakk!!! :eek:)
I'm off to download the rest of the album! Hehe....
if you cant be bothered finding a site then go here:
Shitty looking site, simply lists every band in alphabetical order, almost everything gets a good review, etc etc...

LOL! I used to write for that site... I only wrote like 10 reviews though because I'm such a lazy ass :D

But anyway, I like your idea. Actually, I used to do this frequently in my spare time... never really found any cool bands though... hopefully someone else will have better luck.
I use AudioGalaxy all the time. That is how I got into Opeth! I kept reading about Opeth on alot of different Heavy Metal BBs. Decided to check them out. Downloaded a few tunes and then went looking for the CDs. Only 1 I could find was Blackwater Park. Ended up downloading My Arms, Your Hearse and Still Life.

AudioGalaxy has helped me get into Primal Fear, Dragonlord, Onward, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, and Soilwork.
Right, well i dipped myself into a band called uhhhhhhh.... goddamn the mp3s i downloaded dont have the band name on them!... Anyway couldnt find much of them on audiogalaxy but found their website which linked to so im getting two songs from there. Once the songs finally finish and once i find out what the band was called i shall write more.

Thanks BlackSpirit for getting into the swing of things! :) More people need to get off their lazy arses and do their bit to help the upcoming metal bands!

oh and i hope nobody is scared away from their fears of describing a band or something, just do your best! And please, no bashing anyone if they happen to 'uncover' some really underground band called "Death" or something... i dont expect everyone to have heard of every major metal band.
Sadistic Intent (LA DM legends)
Grond (German melodic BM)
PORE (French BM, Industrial, Dance-y, grind-y wierdness with neoclassical leads-ver cool)
Rise (LA symphonic DM, very good.)
Ninth Level (San Diego symphonic, ultra-technical DM with insane keys and leads...just signed to End Records)
Arkangel - Insane 'edgecore' band from Belgium. At first look, they seem like a Christian metal band, but their songs are theologically themed. Tremendous vocals in the songs, I wholeheartedly advise you check them out now.

Bender - Punk/alternative band from.. Milwaukie (?), USA. Their first album "Joe" is incredibly hard to find, but their second one (Jehovah's Hitlist) is not as hard. They have appeared on many soundtracks, such as Scary Movie (Superfly), 3000 Miles to Graceland (Angel Dust) and Van Wilders National Lampoon (Some new song). A great change from the metal scene, and a great all-round band.

Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Swing music. Enough said ;)

Darkane - Incredible melodic death metal band from Sweden. Two releases, first 'Rusted Angel' (Featuring Lawrence Mackrory of Andromeda/Forcefeed) and then 'Insanity', with a new vocalist. Insanely fast guitars, impossible drumming combined with manic vocals creates a madenning blend called Darkane.


NMSO4 (Now known as Crooked) - Chuggy band from somewhere in USA. Great music. Happy stuff. I'm running out things to say.

Ten Masked Men - London based band that makes hardcore covers of pop songs. Great fun.
um.. you are supposed to discover bands YOU havent even heard of before..

read the instructions.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
um.. you are supposed to discover bands YOU havent even heard of before..

read the instructions.

I know.
I'm just giving a bit of a recommendation to others.

Hurry up and make an album to put Forestall in.

Metal-Observer describes them as epic/dark/black/melodic metal, seems pretty accurate to me! They are from Louisville, which is in US right? If so then its very promising for an american band. I got the songs "The Defeated" and "By The Sword" which are both available from their mp3 site, and they are very well written songs, and the playing is pretty good (nothing amazing, but nothing bad either) but the recording quality isnt so great and the distortion sounds like its been recording direct in, with no amp.. and as such sounds shite. Vocals are pretty good, drums and keyboards all sound acceptable, although the keyboard is very basic atmospheric stuff (ie just hold a chord for a bar, then change). Overall you can hear everything thats going on and theres enough tone in the instruments to potray emotion and stuff. Would be nice to hear them recorded really proffesionally though.

The songs are both around 5 minute mark, and although nothing technically amazing the songs progress really well between different forms of dark evil sounding metal, the riffs are interesting and continually changing. I'm quite enjoying these songs after ive got used to the not perfect sound quality. This isnt the type of music ive listened to a lot but this band are well worth a listen, i advise download the song "By The Sword" and check em out.

The stuff they play is pretty similar to everything else you've heard before in this kind of music... nothing terrificly innovative but they arent simply copying either, theres a good merging of a few different styles to create their music. I read they were influenced by DISSECTION so yeh.

7/10 for me. Well written and constructed songs, nice style, good instrumental skills, good vocals, alright production.
WHOA!!!! I FOUND ANOTHER BAND!!!! >:eek:)))


Again I liked the band name. Sort of folkish, but this
music is far from folk! >:eek:) This is what
metal-observer describes as "Thrash Metal, Groove",
and even made the whole review as a "how to use
this band" when to NOT listen to it, how big doses
you should take etc >:eek:P

Gurd has been around since '94, have released five
albums, I downloaded "Masterplan", "Rule The Pit"
and "Take My Hand" from their last album. I'm still
waiting for more songs by them to finish....

I thought I wouldn't like this band.... ""
hehe... :eek:) But I'd love to get into a moshpit listening
to this music!!! Party all the way! I like the riffs, and
the vocals don't bother me. I usually find thrashy
vocals annoying :eek:P

"Take My Hand" is the slow song by this band...
Very groovy, very heavy..... But get "Masterplan"
first, to feel the speeeed >:eek:P

I really recommend this band to anyone who wants
to groove around and do some headbangin'! >:eek:)

\,,/ ^_^ \,,/
I still have hope for this thread. The people of this forum are just crazy people who expect young metal bands to somehow jump in to the spotlight without getting any support. These bands need help, and its for your own good to coz you might just find another Thales or Farmakon or something, im sure there are similarly skilled bands out there, they dont all post on this forum!


Pale Forest
Ok these guys have a professional looking website and their own domain name.. and their songs were easy to find on audiogalaxy so maybe they are fairly well known.. but i hadnt heard of them so i gave em a listen. And didnt like it.

Its properly recorded stuff, but its all pretty quite and mellow, but its like commercial happy stuff.. not dark or evil, not jazzy, not proggy, etc etc... its just commercial 4/4 stuff, song structure is a tad above verse/chorus type structure but not much. All instruments and riffs are just standard sounding, nothing inventive at all, female vocals that just sound like uhhhh female vocals.

So yeh this is recorded well and stuff, the songs arent too bad but just not what i want to listen to, too commercial and happy.

Its so hard to judge music that i dont actually like, so maybe if you want some happy upbeat check em out, but i dont imagine its worth checking our for most of the people on this board.

oh and i did only get 1 song so far so maybe they get better, ill try one more song and if its different i shall update.
First MUTANT a side project by the guys in Theory in Practice that was recently recommended to me the lovely people in Taipei's only decent metal store.

I can't get the mp3 links to work, but WTFN?

On a random gander I found a huge database at
and decided to check out a Dutch prog outfit called Autumn Equinox. I've downloaded the song Avalon's Sonate, and am giving it a first listen now.

Cool thread.

I have Gurd´s first album since 1995! It´s recorded on a tape (that I ´m listening to right now), shared with some Entombed album. It´s a Machine Head/Biohazard/Channel Zero kind of thing. It´s cool, I know I recorded it for a reason.
All right.

Some time ago I heard a few samples from Alghazanth, a Finnish black metal band. It sounded ok, but I never got around to finding out more about them or their music. Now, this thread around and all, seemed a good time to do so.

They have a very nice, stylish and informative website, which was naturally my first destination. They are signed to Woodcut Records and have released three albums, "Thy Aeons Envenomed Sanity (1999)", "Subliminal Antenora (2001)" and "Osiris-Typhon Unmasked (2001)."

I decided to pick the latest (Osiris...) and downloaded the tracks from Audiogalaxy. Here's my very unprofessional review. :)

I'm not very acquainted with black metal, so I can't compare their style to many bands, but at times I can hear elements similar to Dissection (a lot of them, actually) and perhaps some older Dimmu Borgir and Old Man's Child. I think this is pretty typical melodic black metal; most of the riffs are fast and accurate guitar playing, even faster drumming (a lot of blastbeats!) and the typical keyboards, plus a few calmer, moody passages here and there.

The vocals are nothing special; not very bad but not outstanding either, i.e. your average black metal screamer. The few clean vocals are quite bad - very much like those on Thy Serpent's Christcrusher.

I'm having trouble grasping the gist of their music, at least on this album. Sure, the passages are rhytmical, lively and energetic but there's something that disturbs me. Maybe it's some sort of lack of coherence or maybe it's the constant tempo changes, I'm not sure. This is the sort of music I could have playing in the background while posting on these forums. :)

Overall - good, obviously just not my cup of tea.
7 / 10
Not too long ago I discovered JULIE LAUGHS NOMORE which first attracted me because of the odd name but once I heard the music I was entirely hooked ! I decided to get all their cds and recently even did an interview with them for my webzine ( They are one of the bands I have discovered thanks to the internet.