It's been one year v2.0


Black Metal Jihad
Dec 25, 2004
The Internets
Actually it hasn't, but it just crossed my mind that I really hate CoB. And I've again gotten tired of this stupid forum and I can't keep myself up to date anyway. I think I got the few of you who actually aren't un-awesome on my msn list, so I'll see you around there I guess. If I missed some, my address is in my profile.
You can start crying now.

PS: Alexi is a fag, peace out niggas!
oh yeah really!? ok then.

Get better timing on msn, jag är ju aldrig där när du är där!
no you can't have my xbox. oh fuck i was supposed not to post anymore. ok this is the last one.

is it possible to move the bringer thread to the kalmah board?
mmm kalmah.

i need sleep.
I say we all go to the Kalmah board. Why can't there be an off-topic there?

Maybe that's a bad idea...
If alot of you guys leave, this forum will turn into what the guestbook is kind of like lol