Its done.

I wouldn't be suprised.But all the teachers would be like 'No,thats a distraction to education' and some other bullcrap.They suspended this one chicks for i think the first 3 weeks of school for having a bit of pink hair.they said it was a distraction to education...
Chainer said:
I wouldn't be suprised.But all the teachers would be like 'No,thats a distraction to education' and some other bullcrap.They suspended this one chicks for i think the first 3 weeks of school for having a bit of pink hair.they said it was a distraction to education...

Ex-fucking-scuse me??!! They'd have died if they'd have seen me then! My hair - for part of my time in college - was blue, and it reached all the way down below my waist. I still got/get all sorts of A+'s, though. I still annoy people like that by way of piercing and tattooing things, because it's my body and that's how I choose to express myself.
Dumbasses. I've a firend who got suspended for dancing. He came from Kenya to study here. He said to me after "I'm African. I can't stop dancing - it's how we express ourselves". He went to private school, though.
My kid, who's in public school, has super long hair that we occasionally dye purple or red or black or something for a few months, but that's just to piss off the goody-two-shoe parents who judge my kids on their looks, but whose kids don't get half as good a grade point average as mine. Ofcourse, she'd never be caught dead with pink in her hair :headbang: . "That's so not a Norse colour, Moooom. Pink is not fierce!!" She lives to be fierce. Wonder where she got that from??
Forlornson said:
I guess in America :p Not in Holland though, everythings possible here XD

hel yeah!!! :rofl:D hey wait a min, tomorrow is back to school time.. WHY!?!?!?? NOOOOOOOO shit this is gonna be the hardest year in my school-life.

but wtf? i mean ive got kids at school who look like shagrath (dimmu borgir ofcourse) and even the extreme-christian german teacher doest make a problem of it.. come on, pink hair.. SO WHAT?! i really just hate shit like that, not having the freedom to have pink hair, a tattoo or what ever..
Haha, Tyra, you've gotta be the most awesome mother ever, and sounds like your kid will grow up to be an awesome person as well.
Yeah.I do live in america.Proud of it,but i will end up moving to Germany after college.Can't stay here forever.
They'd be punished here.I really dont care,just don't be like Ahkmed and fly a plane into a building or blow some other building up.Im gonna call him in a second to see if he sent me the picture yet.
Chainer said:
Yeah.I do live in america.Proud of it,but i will end up moving to Germany after college.Can't stay here forever.

Why? It's a huge fucking country, like all sorts of different countrues in one, only with the same language (sort of) and the same passports. Not that I am against broadening your horizons by way of travel - I think it's a great thing (or else I'd still be sitting in Sweden still...), I'm just trying to figure out what's going on in your mind.
I know what you mean.I love it here it what-not,but i do know im gonna need a change of scenery in about 10 years.It's kinda hard to explain.And i got a quick question for you Tyra.I found some runes on the internet,could you look at them for me for verification?I find it hard to trust things like that on the internet with things like wikipedia providing information about everything.
Sure. PM or here. Or try doing a search on my aettir's homepage. I think there's stuff on runes there... I might be faster, though! Here's the link straight to the runes page:
but I''d be happy to answer any questions as best I can whenever.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
So they're censoring us now. ***** piss whore ass fuck tampongpopsicle cunt fart barbera streisand kuk diskofitta my pals bitch jew buttwipe pedestrian balls.

... Let's see what comes out on the other end

OK, now I'm laughing my head off, and so is my husband. Gawd I love this forum! "barbera streisand" :OMG: ??? How come we can have a smiley with a fat doobie in his mouth bouncing up and down, but he can't say that word?
Yes, those are correct. For reference, though, those are not the runes most commonly found on runestones. These are the ones one would use for divination, though, and today they are used on charms. They are easier to work with when you're writing things in English, too, whereas the younger Futhark lends itself better to a Scandianvian tongue. Personal choice. I am fluent in the other one, and OK with this one.
Alright.I did one of the amulets that represents Thors hammer.How do you spell that name by the way?Mjollnir?Or is it with one 'L'?It looks pretty good to.It goes up and down the little middle part,and i addded a bit of shading around it .
It's Mjöllnir, with two L's. I guess you'll have to use the "o", though, on your keyboard. I have a Swedish language keyboard, but on English language keyboards you have to use the number pad and control features to make that letter. Haven't done it for years, so don't remember how, but it's not like people won't know what you're talking about if you write it with an o anyhow...
isnt there all kinds of variations?
Common Danish: Mjølner
Faroese: Mjølnir
Icelandic and German: Mjölnir
Norwegian: Mjølner
Swedish: Mjölner
