Its done.

yes but suppose they turned out to be a fan of AA... that would be interesting haha
Xyercies said:
yea, but you werent racially harassed during your entire career of elementary school were you?
well, dude, it's unfortunate that you were made fun of, especially for something like race, but his comments were 1:not directed at you 2:not meant in a demeaning or resentful way at all, considering he was just listing profanities, and 3: taken out of context. To put it bluntly, he can say that word around here until he's blue in the face, for all I care. Now, if he directed it at you, well that's a different story. As Mod, I observe a policy of completely free speech, unless it's just spam/bad advertising. That means that no specific words are taboo here. So don't worry, you're among friends, and no one meant any harm.
I heard it this night on a TV-Show (it was totally offtopic, but they were Fans of him). It's a shame, he seemed to be one of the nicest and most honest persons on the planet. I always enjoyed watching him.
But it's not that surprising, that an accident like this happened ... allthough I would have never thought, that he'd be killed by a fish ...

EDIT: You're not trying to distract us, so we forget that you still have to post your painting, are you? ;)
No,and its drawin.I suck with paint,if anything I'd use photoshop to put color into somethin like this.I use sharpies for letters and what-not,objects i just stick to pencil really.
Chainer said:
No,and its drawin.I suck with paint,if anything I'd use photoshop to put color into somethin like this.I use sharpies for letters and what-not,objects i just stick to pencil really.

lol thats not what he meant hahaha! with painting he meant the picture! stop lookin at the englishteacher's boobs and pay attention
Xyercies said:
yea, but you werent racially harassed during your entire career of elementary school were you?
damn, you must really be black if you spent an entire career in elementary school! :OMG:
i'm kidding. but i'm sure you don't believe me.

sure would like to see this drawing, chainer.
Chainer said:
Not then,but more-so now.I lived in California during elementary,and highschool is a bit harsher than elementry,which im sure you know.And if someone does get racial with me,i get racial with them.Cracker,honkey,white trash..Yellow man,amon other things..I use racial slurs alot,but jokingly.

And do you want me to feel sorry for you something?

no. i'm just stating a fact.
Good...Im not even takin english right now.I got it next semester,and i dont think the english teacher i have next semester even looks any good...As with all teachers..I should have the picture today by the way,i think he sent it to the wrong e mail or somethin.
Yeah,ive given him my email twice now and i still dont have it..Then again,i finished Annihilation of Hammer Fest now.