Its done.

What?Close it?If anything i'll have the Annihilation of Hammerfest tomorrow.Definitely.I could have got Thousand Years of Oppression to,but my friend still has it.
well ake sure you get them up . cause if you dont. you shoudl threaten to eat his ear or something. and have a seriously face on when you say it. he'll believe you.....what..there snothign wrong with a little cannibalism.
Cool. I should make that hammer in stained glass...that'd look rad. I have this glass that's kind of like a solid red with brighter red streaks in it. Ooooh, and I have a nice kind of steely blue with grey stirations in it. That's look awesome, too... Damn, now I have to think. Ouch.
i think it sucks.... but, i think everything sucks. so what else is new???

realy though i was expecting something entirely different... not only is this a basic pencil drawing but the symmetry is way off... on 1-10 i give it a 5... minus...
firstly, go draw the damn thing more symetriacal and scan it in. use photoshop brushes to color in the thing at least and add some sort of background. there is potential there but it still needs alot of work
Man,i know how to use photoshop.But my computer sucks and blows at the same time and i dont have a copy of it anyways.I know the symmetry is off,and i could use photoshop to trace one side of it,and then flip it horizontally.I had to take a boring ass 'digital graphics and animation' class last year.Introduced us to Illustrator and Photoshop.
personally i dont believe in the trace tool. the trace tool nevver gets a perfect line the way you drew it on the paper, as it uses calculations rather than human skill. draw it again, and again, until it's perfect! your drawing can only improve through practice. believe me, i've had it for 2years at varsity
I didnt mean the actual trace tool,in fact i completely forgot about it...Not with the pen tool.Click one edge of it,click the other and drag before lettin go and it gets the curve almost perfect.Or you could just click every now and then or somethin..
yes i know(is spent 6 months in photoshop software workshop), but my whole point with that arguement was for you to improve your drawing skills first rather than relying on sowtware to do it for you. if you have a good initial drawing to work from, shit is just easier
Well, since everyone has an opinion, I say we put up or shut up and make this an art thread. It's Thrymfal the Toilet Troll...
