It's Election Day Eve!

What cracks me up is that my dad voted for Obama. He's a lifelong conservative republican born in Texas, who comes from a long line of conservative republican Texans. I don't think he's ever voted dem in his whole life, certainly not for President. Says something.
What cracks me up is that my dad voted for Obama. He's a lifelong conservative republican born in Texas, who comes from a long line of conservative republican Texans. I don't think he's ever voted dem in his whole life, certainly not for President. Says something.

My uncle was the exact same way; die-hard Republican, spouting off about how we should be watching all Muslim citizens, blah blah blah....then I see him after AIG went under, and he's cursing the whole government and saying he hopes Obama can help change things.

(It's because he lost a lot of money)
2004-2008 wasn't so bad since a large chunk of the time we've had a senate that questioned motives. A lot of people are saying this section has been worse, due to the economic crisis, however they're sadly mistaken because that wasn't exactly the bush admin's fault.

2000 - 2004 can go suck a cock though.
As much as the electoral vote is spread, a big WTF to the popular vote so far:

OBAMA: 15,056,142
MCCAIN: 14,788,905

This isn't following the poll trends at all.
Wanna see something absolutely hilarious? If anyone plays WoW, just log on and read the trade chat. It doesn't matter what server you're on.
The black dude that actually got an education - 199 (270 to win) 21,980,240 Vote: 50%

The guy that looks like he is about to die of a stroke at any second - 78 (270 to win) 21,367,948 Vote: 49%
I'll be that McCain wins by somehow pulling off a miraculous win of the rest of the states.

I said it at the 04 elections, but I'm willing to house some of you from the board if McCain wins. :P
Max..tonight. We get drunk and cyber..i have plenty ov beer and more black velvet. The chick at the store accidently charged us for 3 bottles of black velvet so we grabbed 3 bottles of it...i guess you can say i'm going to get sauced tonight, anyone else care to join????????????????