Spent 2-3 hours with this tonight... Here's my result!
MY MIX: http://bit.ly/1b2FAOB
Super fun contest and a GREAT idea!
Found the toms that hardest part because of the INSANE amount of bleed Some of the guitars were tracked a little funky during the break ( kind of out of tune with awkward pauses ) other than that the cover was preformed amazingly!
I have the drum samples available for anyone who digs em!
Well, I'm not really hiding that fact (as a matter of fact, I named them in my last post, and I feel proud of myself of using them as a composing tool). I just named the instruments that were used to make that VSTIs. In fact, people who know me know that I've been using VSTi guitars for a veeeeery long time (cuz recording real guitars are sooooooo mainstream for me )
No, don't get me wrong, I use Shreddade 2 from time to time - It's an awesome composition tool. It's just replys like the one you gave to the guy wondering why the guitars sounded odd. The obvious answer is because it's MIDI; not because you compressed it. And usually, people uploading multitracks use to tell people what they used in the first post. It just feels like you're trying to pass it on as real guitars, which seems kind of odd to me. I think it's an interesting idea, I have never done a serious mix with midi guitars, so it should be fun, but yeah... As I said, just seems kind of odd that it feels like you're trying to hide the fact that it's MIDI. D:
Midi guitars?? I've never even heard of that! but I felt something sounded odd!
Rough mix. No automation. Kinda smashed it a little too hard when I exported it so the middle clean section is really loud. Surprise vocal track! Just put some compression and light reverb on them and threw them on top. Also had all the vocals running through one bus so when 2 vocals go at once it gets all weird. I'll finish it later.
If someone could tell me the tempo map that would still be great.
These are Lauren Babic's vocals, aren't they?
And, by the way, I uploaded a MIDI file with the tempo map inside the files.
Yeah the vocals are from her youtube video.
When I load the midi file into reaper it just pops up as a 1 bar midi clip. Usually a tempo map will load, but it wont for the included file.