IT'S MIXING CONTEST TIME!! Periphery's "Scarlet" multitrack

Hey guys!

Here's my go at it, had a lot of fun mixing it. Didn't do any editing on the vocals. Guitars were reamped through AXE FX II using the Friedman HBE model.

Thanks for providing us with the stems!

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One days work on the mix. Great tracks!

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I just gave this a very quick run-through, and the snare seems to be the only real problem I foresee. I have managed to get much better snare sounds from SD even completely raw, so I am not as used to working with snares that sound like this!

I know this is an old post, but I'll throw mine into the mix. (Apologies for the pun..)

Hopefully can get some vocals on it too..
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Everybody was giving this guy shit for having midi guitars but damn it sounds realistic for what it is, sampled guitars. If someone so happens to make program a midi guitar and make a composition better than 90% of metal bands today than so be it. He may not be able to play that but he still made the song, (not talking about this song, I know it's a cover, I am talking about midi in general. Everyone seems to be "too cool" for midi.)
It was so funny. Is one of my favourite songs ever, so I enjoyed a lot.

Here´s my try:

Javi hiciste un gran trabajo con esas guitarras aunque tal vez no debiste comprimirlas tanto, los palmutes están algo aplastados, y bueno que suenen un tanto robóticas (sobre todo las ritmicas), es normal al ser midi.

Cheers from Spain!.
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Old thread, i dont care.:D Here is my go. I had to mute the Toms, it was impossible for me to get them into the mix.
And the tempotrack doesnt work for me, so I tried to do this mix without it.

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Gave this a shot despite this post's age. There's plenty of things I COULD complain about but this is hella old so it won't matter BUT...

Give this shit a listen, vox turned out real nice

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