It's my birthday today!!


1,000 eyes are watching
Sep 1, 2004
OK so I'm 21!!!

(here are some photos for no reason at all.. they were taken this morning)

I cannot believe i'm this old!!?


Now that I'm an old geezer, maybe I should be aware of my looks? lol


Perhaps I should get laser eye surgery and go blind when I’m 55... or should i keep the glasses?


BTW I'm pretty sure that for my 21st ....

I might be getting a new guitar for my birthday!

And it is rumored that it may be a Jackson...

Well fingers crossed! If I got a Jackson for my birthday I wouldn't want anyone to buy me anything else for years! (it might be a Kelly)

now that i've made the most egotistical post ever.. what are your veiws on a kelly pro series Jackson guitar with a floyd Rose?

Happy Birthday Mistress! :wave: And don't worry, you don't look a day over 22! :loco: [/deathwish]
Happy birthday, pretty-pic-chick. You look better than my mom.
But then, she turned 50 yesterday as well, so....

The Kelly looks pretty cool to me, although I have no idea what it sounds like :Spin:

Have a good one, don't go easy on the bottles. Have some for me. :headbang: If I'm not too late....well, if I am, I owe you one.