It's official

lizard they had 700-level courses at your college? :p

damn this laptop keyboard, pg up/down buttons RIGHT NEXT TO the (extremely tiny) arrow keys + big hands = frustration
look you guys with the weak criteria like IT and physics don't understand the grueling liberal arts is so brutal trying to complete International Law 701 while finding just tiny scraps of time alloted for frisbee throwing, bong loading, and beer runs :loco:

Oh hell, I woke up hungover as fuck and read this and I think I laughed myself drunk again. Awesome.

I woke up and showered and started cramming for my quiz (which I studied last night for) which I got 52% on... 70% is a pass.

Thats my world, thats my school. All my classmates are in the same boat. Enjoy your beer, bongs and frisbees.
lizard said:
look you guys with the weak criteria like IT and physics don't understand the grueling liberal arts is so brutal trying to complete International Law 701 while finding just tiny scraps of time alloted for frisbee throwing, bong loading, and beer runs :loco:
one of my all-time favorite posts. reminds me of the Antioch college geeks.
3.21 :kickass:

The political science department (my choice of study) had their own liquor license. :kickass:
I think my undergrad GPA was like 3.7. I was a horrible student, really didn't give two fucks about most of my classwork. When I entered grad school, however, I actually put a lot of effort into my studies. Between putting in over forty hours a week teaching and busting my ass in class, I feel like I have truly earned my honors as well as my degree. Thanks to everyone who offered congratulations, I much appreciate it. Who says large tattooed metal freaks can't represent the higher-educated populace? Heh heh heh.
my two year school (U. of Md. in Munich) labeled all their courses 100 through 400. When I got my A.A. and transferred to UNH for jr and sr yrs, their courses were 400-700.

I have never known why this is, if there is a standard, etc.

hey Conspicuously, good luck...I know from the half-hearted attempts I've made at IT certifications that it isn't easy, and I know you're doing alot more than just studying for A+ cert :)
likewise (edit: to the college hating), but after the amount of pain effort and suffering i've put in, i'm not gonna fucking quit now. Would be like throwing that all away.
Conspicuously Absent said:
likewise (edit: to the college hating), but after the amount of pain effort and suffering i've put in, i'm not gonna fucking quit now. Would be like throwing that all away.

Are you talking purely in terms of the work load? I don't understand why your college course would be that much harder than anyone else's. I went to a good university, did a good course, worked harder than most, but at no point did I ever feel like there was just too much work.

cthulufhtagn said:
man that sucks...i fuckin love college

Man, me too. Well I did. I do realise that it's not for everyone though, and it sucks for people who don't get much out of it. However, I came out of it knowing I did as well as I possibly could academically, while having a totally awesome 3 years of fun.