It's official

We're here 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 10 months. The average night yields about 200 pages of reading anight per course. (you don't read, you get raped on the test). Thats not including studying. No factor in a 2 hour commute (at least) each way, and that means 12-13 hours of my day are gone. Figure 5-6 hours of homework/studying/reading and that leaves about 5 hours for sleep(assuming I don't stop to eat, scratch, piss, etc so it works out more like 3-4. After a while it gets a bit sickening. No time for fun. Most of the time on weekends we're given essays and other homework assignments to do (not to mention reading and studying) that also fill up those times.

Beyond studying, there are also hands on practical lab exams. That said, after 2 years of hell, i'm done (end of june). Finish off my certification exams and I'm employable.
yeah. the written exams make those brain dumps of the online stuff seem easy. page long scenario questions. Insanely detailed questions, all sorts of glorious stuff.
well... it's worth it because when its done, I can walk right into a very nice paying job, with almost infinite options in variety, job advancement, global placement and shit like that.
ohhhh... thats CCIE... those guys design your network. They practically write their own paycheck. Thats one level above where I am. I have 4 2 hour cert exams to write for mine. one on routing protocols, one on switching (multilayer switching), one on remote access/WAN/dialup technologies and methodologies and the last one is a troubleshooting exam.

edit: btw... CCIE's are incredibly nutso smart and shit. I'm never going to be one, or at least, not if I have any say :p
yeah, i have friends who work for cisco, starting around 50-70K US plus benefits roughly. Theres room to move up from there as well. That's pretty nice, imo.
Crimson Velvet said:
@CA: And yet you find the time to post here fifteen times per day... :)

I post in the morning cause I have some time while i'm waking up. I post at school cause the lecture is useless and theres often waiting during labs for the dumbfucks I work with to catch up. At home, I post when I take a break from studying because where I'm living, I have fuck all else to do.
my gpa was in the 2s somewhere. maybe a 2.8 or something hahahaha and i still make >$70,000 a year. college is somewhat useless imo. i learned almost everything OTJ. good job to you guys with high GPAs though. :kickass:
not going to college is a huge mistake but i sure wish it could be streamlined so as to not waste so much time. granted, i didnt experience the kind of school that say, cthulu, goes to. he seems to really enjoy himself. i just went to labs, lectures, and hospitals. i learned almost nothing.