It's Saturday Night.

Never able to get the money to move away?

Wages are too low, and the cost of living is so high out here that even working for 14$ an hour, I still end up with little money for myself after paying rent to the old man (whom is going through some money problems of his own making about 3 times as me) in order to make sure we all have a roof under over our heads and food to eat every day.
What could the cost of living possibly be like in Utah? Even in New York, it's actually possible for people to live on 1500 a month, without a roommate
When we first moved here a few months ago, the average house in this area was 115,000. This is a cheap area. It is now up to 355,000. No idea how it went up, but it went up way too much to handle, and we're now stuck here, giving all we earn, to various places.

Salt Lake City itself, is even higher. All because of those fucking Olympics, which started the uphill trend... started with taxes, and then went to everything else, trying to pay off the debt caused by the Olympics. Since people needed more, land went up... creating an ass-fuck of debt among residents.
Yep, Real estate is flying.
Avarage house in Arlington is no less than 550- 600k and those are the shitty houses... it's really crazy..

However Eric... that only means your equity (?) line will be higher...
and your house worth a lot more than what you paid for
It is worth about 150,000 more than we got it for. Problem is, the old man, due to rising prices in EVERYTHING (think EVERYTHING), ended up having to declare bankruptcy, and we're stuck where we are, for another 5 years.

I could move, if I was ever able to gain the money. I want to move, but I just can't seem to do it. Really wanna move back to philly, and get my life on track again.
Real estate in NYC has seemed to go down some, at least in the areas I hear about. Houses that normally went for like 800k-1 mil, are now around 750k-900k

Michigan is also fucked, but that's not really comparable to anywhere else, since the economy there is really dependant on the auto industry
E, it's hard to move out to a complete different place, but it's not impossible... once you're done with helping your dad, you should just do it.
You'll feel so much better about everything...
You really like phillie, huh? :tickled:
At least then you'll be in the East Coast! hehe
I love philly. I grew up there in poverty, but could still find something to do every day. Out here? Nothing. Money or not. No friends, no other family but my father and sister (now, my mother and her mother used to live here, but my mom moved to Egypt on my grandmothers money, and then my grandmother died soon after), and just barren desert land.

It depresses me every day, but I suppress it with alcohol, tobacco, and weed. Not the healthiest lifestyle, but it keeps me going through each day.
Well... The story, as I gather is this:

She met a guy while on a business trip (she is an Arabic translator) for the company she worked for. Things escalated via a few trips, and she asked her mother for some money to help her move out there. And now she is out there, with no intent on coming back.
Pretty much. I've cut off all contact with her after the last conversation with her (which sent me over the edge of anger). Basically, she's a cunt.
I'm drinking. I've been drinking all day.

I don't go out of the house much anymore. No point.

Wow we should get together sometime...but that would require me leaving the its impossible.

I have been drinking since 6pm...i drank to much last night so i am going slow tonight.
working on my portfolio you mean?

I gave up for tonight. Just watched SNL and I'mabout to hit the sack...
I'm getting early tomorrow and going to print stuff at school before the game... (yes you heard me: SCHOOL ON SUNDAY- I'M A BIG NERD JUST SAY IT)

Steveeeeeeeee, how have you been? :)