It's September... Whats your top 10 for the year looking like so far?

I don't have 10 I can add. Here's 3 I could actually think of.

Pale Divine - Cemetary Earth
Slough Feg - Hardworlder
Davin Townsend - Ziltoid the Omniscient

This year sucked.
Symphony X - Paradise Lost
Down III - overtheunder
Behemoth - The Apostasy
Job for a Cowboy - Genesis... lot of people don't like them... its nothing groundbreaking... but i like it.
Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos

i dunno. that's about it that i can think of. not too much stands out for me from this past year... is there anything else coming out that i should look forward to?
3 - The End is Begun (everyone must check out this band)
Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet
Pain of Salvation - Scarsick
Blackfield II
Pelican - City of Echoes

some highlights for me

3 has a new cd out? fuck ya. I'm gonna go pick this up right now. Wake Pig is extreme dood.
You know what pissed me off after finishing the single player campaign in C&C3? With all that talent, no degrading sex scenes. Total bullshit.

I wanted to see Jennifer Morrison as Kirce James start riding Billy Dee Williams as Redmond Boyle while screaming shit about Lando.

Woulda made the GDI campaign much better.
these will be on there:
Municipal Waste
Gojira! (just discovered em this year hehe)

havent come out yet but im sure will be on there:
High on Fire

still havent heard but love these bands:
Pig Destroyer
Reverend Bizarre

KMFDM - too dancepop, too much lucia
Dimmu Borgir - mostly kinda boring, not that i was expecting much 4 years later or whatever, stormblast remake was a fucking atrocity

might check out some of these albums that keep coming up...