It's starting to get frigid, and everything is dying - BM circa 2007

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Okay, I'm finally starting to get in the black metal mood since it;s starting to get really cold out and all the leaves are gone from the trees. The only genre that I listen to on a seasonal basis. Been listening to Emperor ItNE and ATtWaD tonight. Yeah, I can pretty much say that Emperor is probably the best BM band of all-time imho.

So, to the point of this thread - What are the best releases so far this year within the genre? Lay it on muh! :kickass:
Holy shit, and how could I forget about one of my other favorites - Lunar Aurora. I gotta give Andacht extra attention now that Im finally in the mood.

Fuck that's what I was going to recommend! Anything from Lunar Aurora is godly!

Check out:
Paysage d'Hiver
This Darkhestra - Epos is really fucking good. I've only heard their Sary Oy album previously and enjoyed it, but this is way better.

edit: Holy fuckin' balls is this good!!!
What I'm about to go hogwild listening to because it has been chilly lately:

Taake as it has been years
Wolves in the Throne Room because I'm just getting into them
Emperor because yes, they had two pretty killer albums
Ulver because I always listen to Ulver
Watain because they are mad harsh, yo
Sunn O))) because their best album happens to be very black indeed
Spektr because I have not given them the proper time just yet
Arkha Sva because JayK is forcefeeding it to me
Drudkh because they are thoedst
Deathspell Omega because they are one of my favourite bands

I'm sure a few more.
you do yourself much good with this playlist sir.

Yesterday I wiped the dust off The Matnel for the first time since the last snow of last winter melted (circa February). Life is getting sweet again :)

edit: I'm not even botheribg to correct that awesome typo!
you do yourself much good with this playlist sir.

Yesterday I wiped the dust off The Matnel for the first time since the last snow of last winter melted (circa February). Life is getting sweet again :)

edit: I'm not even botheribg to correct that awesome typo!

But you took the time to write a whole other sentence. :lol:
need to pick up more black metal

when i leave work it's about 1:40am and it's usually pretty chilly and slightly foggy out so Aeternus and Agalloch have been getting played in me car. i'll probably bring along taake tonight
you do yourself much good with this playlist sir.

Yesterday I wiped the dust off The Matnel for the first time since the last snow of last winter melted (circa February). Life is getting sweet again :)

edit: I'm not even botheribg to correct that awesome typo!
I knew I forgot Agalloch. Also this post is most triumphant.