It's starting to get frigid, and everything is dying - BM circa 2007

This Darkhestra - Epos is really fucking good. I've only heard their Sary Oy album previously and enjoyed it, but this is way better.

edit: Holy fuckin' balls is this good!!!

By the way, halfway through when it really becomes sombre and then reprises the intro riff with all those women wailing and crying.....that really sounds depressing and haunting.

It's like :kickass: + :hypno: + :waah: all at the same time. Hate Forest tried something similar on Battlefields as a standalone track but Darkestrah have it nailed in their music.

Could be the album of the year.
You know, i've been listening to Andacht a looot lately, and its making me reconsider my albums of '07 a bit. It may not be a perfect black metal album, but its certainly been perfect for the general mood I've been in as the cold descends and the sun wanes.
Goddamnit... that Darkestrah "Epos" is really good.

We're doing a 2007 black metal off today, blasting Darkestrah, Lunar Aurora, Mutiilation, Angantyr, Wolves In the Throne Room, and Graveland. It's not actually that cool where I'm at, but I can dream.
On darkestrah's metal archives page:
"Darkestrah will release an album in early 2008 which will be called "The Great Silk Road" and it contains 5 tracks with a total of about sixty minutes playing time."
Just found this on the drummer's myspace:
man, i didnt think Epos was that good for an RC gang-bang. then again, Estrangement isnt all that great either, and you folks seem to love it. :erk:
My only problem with the album is its too short. The song is really no more than 25 minutes, not including the several minutes of just waves crashing. Could of used a couple more shorter songs maybe.