It's time to update the home page

The person who runs the site is doing so in his free time between working a full-time job and going to school. It will be updated when he gets the chance. Plus most bands don't even update their site until there is a new album about to drop. So rewriting a bunch of codes doesn't really make sense since they are going to overhaul the entire website once the album is recorded and about to be released.
I have zero expectations from the website and you shouldn't either. Remember - we never got a WCFYA design for the website when they were promoting that album - the WCFYA skin wasn't even added until after John Bush and Rob Caggiano were out of the band and replaced by Joey and Dan.
Plus most bands don't even update their site until there is a new album about to drop. So rewriting a bunch of codes doesn't really make sense since they are going to overhaul the entire website once the album is recorded and about to be released.

The Megadeth site updates daily. News every day, the new guitarist was announced on there weeks ago, blogs, tour info etc. I'm not having a dig at the guy who does the Anthrax site, but if Anthrax wants to compete with other bands these days, then an up to date site for its fans is probably one of its biggest and most essential tools to promote themselves.

So no offence but I couldn't disagree with you more. It's about people knowing what's going on with the band which draws people's interest, not simply a new record and then wondering why it might not have sold as much as they wanted. They gotta create the anticipation!
The person who runs the site is doing so in his free time between working a full-time job and going to school. It will be updated when he gets the chance.

Of course! It's not like there's really anything to report that we don't already know anyway. We know there's a new singer, Rob Caggianno is back, and there working on new material! :kickass:
Of course! It's not like there's really anything to report that we don't already know anyway. We know there's a new singer, Rob Caggianno is back, and there working on new material! :kickass:

Yeah WE do, but what about the other 90% of metalheads out there? I bet half the people that listen to a lot of metal wouldn't even know Anthrax is a going concern.
Yeah WE do, but what about the other 90% of metalheads out there? I bet half the people that listen to a lot of metal wouldn't even know Anthrax is a going concern.

90% of metalheads don't really care about Anthrax anymore anyway. Sad fact, but true.
Yeah... no one where I live knows about them. When I wear my Persistence of Time shirt, even so-called "metalheads" (Not really metalheads, just dudes/girls who like Slipknot and stuff. GAG) crane their necks at me and look at the shirt with this "WTF?" expression on their face.

It's priceless, actually. :lol:
Yeah... no one where I live knows about them. When I wear my Persistence of Time shirt, even so-called "metalheads" (Not really metalheads, just dudes/girls who like Slipknot and stuff. GAG) crane their necks at me and look at the shirt with this "WTF?" expression on their face.

It's priceless, actually. :lol:

May be it's happening 'cause you're justa good-looking fellow:heh:
I'm actually not a fellow, but the comment still works either way. And they better not think I'm good looking, or I'll kick their asses off. :mad:
The person who runs the site is doing so in his free time between working a full-time job and going to school. It will be updated when he gets the chance. Plus most bands don't even update their site until there is a new album about to drop. So rewriting a bunch of codes doesn't really make sense since they are going to overhaul the entire website once the album is recorded and about to be released.

Surely a lineup change is worth updating the site for? It helps to keep the fans informed y'know in case theyre wondering whats the latest in the Thrax world.
Surely a lineup change is worth updating the site for? It helps to keep the fans informed y'know in case theyre wondering whats the latest in the Thrax world.
I see what you mean; when Joey and Dan were back in the fold they changed the site right away, didn't they? But as a few others have said, the guy in charge of the website is busy, so he probably has no time at the moment to do much with the website atm.

Dude, your a Chick!!
Yep. :lol:

Hey, I figured out how to use more than one quote in a post! *skills*
I see what you mean; when Joey and Dan were back in the fold they changed the site right away, didn't they? But as a few others have said, the guy in charge of the website is busy, so he probably has no time at the moment to do much with the website atm.

Yep. :lol:

Hey, I figured out how to use more than one quote in a post! *skills*

A chick with *skills*. I like that. :)