ITT I am posting from Vancouver


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
I just arrived a little over a half hour ago and have settled into my hotel room for 5 days of meetings and work. meanwhile, my wife is back home being driven crazy by her mother who is staying with her for the entire 5 days I'm gone. my blood pressure rose a couple points just during the drive to the airport - I can only imagine how rough it must be for her.

so begins my career as a freelance consultant.
Give it to me low buddy!

::low five::

Having done it, the freelance thing is fun, pays a lot, but also is a bother to do the whole paperwork for. I wished I had hired an accountant just to do all of that because I basically quit because I couldn't handle it anymore.
One canadian was once making fun of me for the way I say "coffee" and "awesome," because I'm from jersey, and I was all, "are you serious with that shit? You talk like a muppet!"
One more reason to like Jersey:

That's why I fake a Southern accent at bars, makes meeting girls easier than saying you are from jersey, then you just call them drunken liars if you ever talk to them again when they say you said you were from down south.