ITT: We discuss the awesomeness of the latest Falkenbach

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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It's awesome! Cool! Excellent release! Definitely their best! Let the superlatives flow!

It might be there best, I really cant stop listening to it. As J. put it, alot of the songs have more of an epic black metal feel mixed in with folkier elements and songs. "Heathen Foray", "Heralder", and "Skirnir" are my favorites right now. Will almost undoubtedly shuffle its way into my top ten this year.
Erik said:
Not so sure. It's good, but uh, Laeknishendr was better on the first album... The old version of Heathenish Foray I might quite possibly like more as well... And yeah, uh, I don't REALLY see the point of re-recording these. Well. Maybe. Ugh.

Damn, I KNEW that 1st song on this new album sounded so familiar, lol
I've been through this twice now.


Based on what I've heard - admittedly less than alla yous - we have a contender for AOTY. Wow, fucking incredible.

"...of Forests Unknown..."
"Roman Land"

All fucking slay, and "Havamal" in particular might be my Song Of The Motherfucking Year (from hence to be referred to as SOTMFY).

this one is indeed awesome. the funny thing is, it's not even Vratyas doing the "grim" vocals. it's the duder in Vindsval.
J. said:
this one is indeed awesome. the funny thing is, it's not even Vratyas doing the "grim" vocals. it's the duder in Vindsval.

Yeah, it's the first time I've seen different people listed for "clean" and "scream" vocals. Though I don't know who Vindsval is. :cry:

The album fucking OWNS though.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Metal archives says they are symphonic metal. are they any good?

A little weird I would say. Reminds me of Enid for the overall tonalities and keyboard skills, but definitely more "devilish".

Never could tame the first album. But worth checking out if you have the chance.