A Matter of Life and Death


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact

Your opinions of this album please. I fucking love it, but I can understand why some people don't. I want this to be a good discussion. You favourite songs, what you liked, what you didn't, etc... Opinions are valid unless you're Ingrid, Joonas or some other well known retard. That is all.

tl;dr: ITT: we discuss the awesomeness (or lack there of) of this album.​
love it also, all my friends hate it....i guess the long songs turn them off....i agree though but its great.

Yeh, well if they don't like long songs then maybe this album isn't for them. To be honest I think this is one of Bruce's most powerful albums, vocally speaking. If you can get into the songs, then you fall in love. This CD is one of my faves of all time. At first I didn't like it, but after seeing Maiden, and they played it start to finish, I was in awe. Now I sit through this entire album regularly. But yeh, a lot of people seem to hate it.
I was never really in Iron Maiden, I think that I just missed something in my childhood. Although recently I bought Dance Of Death, but I didn't give it more than a few swings, I could indeed listen to it a little bit more and then buy some of their classics and go on A Matter of Life and Death after that.

I actually don't think it's allowed to pass next to Iron Maiden...
I'm not really in IM neither, even if I possess their ultimate classics, because their songs bore me quite quickly. But to talk about this album precisly, it was surprising : the 3 previous albums were really really boring, especially Dance of Death, but AMOLAD is something different, really enjoyable by someone who doesn't like IM. I don't know what are the true fans opinions, but it was a pretty good work, IMO.

EDIT : concerning the live performance, I saw them at Rock in Rio, it was probably one of the most BLASTINYOURFACE live I've ever seen.
I was never really in Iron Maiden, I think that I just missed something in my childhood. Although recently I bought Dance Of Death, but I didn't give it more than a few swings, I could indeed listen to it a little bit more and then buy some of their classics and go on A Matter of Life and Death after that.

I actually don't think it's allowed to pass next to Iron Maiden...

Hm, well you definitely are missing out my friend, Maiden is one of the greats. Dance of Death is a so-so album imo. "Rainmaker" and "No More Lies" are my fav songs from that CD, they are amazing bu the rest of the CD is good but nothing OMFGAMAZING. I have their whole discography, and I love all of it, even the stuff with Blaze, I think that is some of their best work. You need to check them out man, and if they ever tour go see them, definitely one of the best, if not the best live band ever.
here my review that I wrote when it just came out:
There are some diffrences with their earlier work but also many similarties. I'll start with the diffrences. This one is just better than everything they've ever done before, the songs sound fuller of sound, if you know what I mean, the songs are all just done, there is nothing you can add or leave out without complete fucking up the song. It's just more busier and that's better.
Singing is great like in the older works, still the same voice but it sounds a bit off sometimes, like he's pushing it too high but that isn't really noticable if you don't pay attention to it.
Drums are very sound, very good in the rythm and there's not too much of, you can properly make out every single hit without it being annoying after a while.
Electric guitars are just wonderfull. The guitar solos that we are so used to in Iron Maiden songs come back here too but just better, sometimes faster but often some slower parts too that sound very melodical.
There does seem to be much more bass in this cd than we are used to but that help to full sound that is just so great about this cd.
Overal it's one of those cd that you can listen to like 100 times and still feel that you are just listening to it for the second time.
Great cd, great sound, this one deserves 9.8/10 (just because I don't give 10s)
In comparison to my fav Maiden albums, which also happen to be of my fav albums period, it's nothing special. As a metal disc in general, it rocks.

By the way, my fav Maiden albums are Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son.
In comparison to my fav Maiden albums, which also happen to be of my fav albums period, it's nothing special. As a metal disc in general, it rocks.

By the way, my fav Maiden albums are Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son.

Both good CD's. 'Seventh Son' and 'Evil that Men Do' are some of my fav Maiden tunes. I'm not into Somewhere in Time as much though, but again it does have some mazing songs like 'The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner' and 'Heaven can Wait'.

I'm probably gonna get slaughtered for this but, in terms of the Maiden albums in which I found EVERY song to be fucking brilliant, I'd have to say Virtual XI and The X Factor take the prize. They are my faves. Sure, there are a shitload of better Maiden songs, and Bruce is superior, but most other Maiden CD's have a few great songs mixed with mediocre ones... Those two Blaze ones are just made of epic win from start to finish imo.
It's win, compared to older Iron Maiden albums it aint amazing. But it's still a damn solid album. 'Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" pwntz.
I don't understand people who bash dance of death and then go on to sanctifying a matter of life and death. Both albums sound so astoundingly alike that they could as well have been sold as a double package.

I think both of them have nothing on brave new world.
I saw them when they played the entire album, it sounded good, but I never went out of my way to get it :S

Me too, after I saw them live I went home and got the album and I'm been loving it ever since.

I don't understand people who bash dance of death and then go on to sanctifying a matter of life and death. Both albums sound so astoundingly alike that they could as well have been sold as a double package.

I think both of them have nothing on brave new world.

That is true, Brave New World is fucking amazing, no qualms about that. It is obviously superior to both.

And I didn't bash Dance of Death I simply said I wasn't into it that much. And to be honest I don't find all that much similarity between the two, although I do see what you mean in songs like "Face in the Sand". Musically there is similarity but I think vocally Bruce really upped the ante on AMOLAD.
Let's say it like this: while most of Maiden's cds gives me an insant erection, A Matter of Life and Death puts me to sleep.

The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg is by far the best song of the record.
Let's say it like this: while most of Maiden's cds gives me an insant erection, A Matter of Life and Death puts me to sleep.

The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg is by far the best song of the record.

I actually don't like it nearly as much as tracks like "These Colours Don't Run", "The Longest Day", "The Pilgrim","Out of the Shadows"... in fact I'd go as far as to say it's probably my least favourite song on the entire album.

That being said I still like it a lot.