A matter of life and death


perfectly insane
Mar 27, 2006
Hey guys,
Just a half of year ago I couldn’t imagine myself writing these lines today, yet here I am calling for your attention.
The matter of this topic is pretty simple: there is war in my country. It’s serious. The aggressor-neighbor country is constantly sending its troops on our territory to create chaos and grief.
Unfortunately, life is a bitch and while young guys of Ukraine are giving their lives for their motherland on the а frontline – the assholes on the top are busy with fighting for the throne, like it’s not their war, like it’s not their country, like it’s happening not here but somewhere far away. They send our boys to fight the enemy in home slippers, helmets that can break with a blow of a wind and “bullet proof” vests that were expired 30 years ago and won’t stand a thrown stone, let alone a bullet, while the enemy is being sponsored by its leaders from A to Z. I can surely tell you that the 80% of why our men are still there holding on – it’s because of our people, volunteers, guys like you and me who didn’t stay careless but decided to support the ones who are protecting their land.
I’ve been to the military hospital and I became mute the second I saw those guys. I have to tell you – it’s scary like hell. Scary to see boys starting from 18 years old with amputated limbs, hands, and even hips, blind, deaf, 80% burnt, crying, desperate. Damn, how scary it is to see a man crying… Half of them went to the frontline holding a weapon for the first time in their lives. I was talking to them, asking what were they doing before this whole nightmare started, you know, many of them couldn’t even answer. I don’t think they remember anymore. Yet ironically, those men are still lucky, because no matter what – they are still alive.
As for me – I can talk about lipsticks or music as much as I want, but every morning I wake up and every night I go to bed with a heavy heart, with a feeling of despair. Yet it’s not about me, and my worries worth nothing next to the people who are actually there, sleeping on the ground under their tanks when on November nights it's about 19F in Ukraine. I believe they don’t have worries anymore, but a fear to not come back home to their children or parents or to die for nothing. I swear, I could never tell this before – but now I can – I am proud of my people.

There is a voluntary project that I’ve been supporting from the beginning, it’s сalled “Come back alive”. It specializes on protection of the guys who are on the most dangerous lines. To be exact – thermovision cameras (a device that helps you to spot out the enemy and be prepared for the attack) and other protective equipment. Without these things the level of losses would be much higher, thousands of lives could be saved thanks to this initiative. So in the end it’s not sponsoring the war, it’s helping to save more people. I know these people personally, they are just regular guys like you and me, who dedicated their lives to making a difference, and I can state that they are trustworthy. They buy the equipment and deliver it personally (!) to the frontline. The good part about them is that their book-keeping is completely transparent. So when somebody gives the money – they can see their name on the list (unless they would want to stay anonymous) and then on the other column you can see what the money is being spent for. Nothing to hide, everything is clear.

I am asking you to support us.

I suck at writing and I wish my words were more persuasive, but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important.
Right now I’m giving away pretty much everything I earn, and I could be all butthurt about it, waiting for more actions from the government, but I guess this waiting will have way too high of a price, so it’s the time when I prefer to take responsibility and ask myself “what have I done personally to help this situation?”, it’s not somewhere far away anymore, it’s here, it’s at home, happening to me, my brothers, father, friends... My friends are there, my teachers and classmates are there, many of them have babies at home… The feeling of being completely helpless is almost fatal, I’m sure most of you know it well. Yet supporting the army makes me feel happier, seeing photos of ones who are still there at the frontline, still alive – makes me happier, I know it does make a difference. I perfectly realize that if it’s not to win the war, then at least to help resist the enemy and to help our men to come home to their families, wives and children alive. I know that without this feeling of unity we wouldn’t stand for so long, that’s why I’m here right now, telling this to you, trying to make this unity a little bit bigger. Since that’s all that’s left…
The ammount you give is only up to you and your comfort. But please remember that every minute of postponing might cost some man his life, as the worst things are happening right now at this moment as you’re reading these lines.

Thank you for reading this and thank you for being with me at this dark hour.
If you have any questions or need any translation – I am here.

PayPal: tristar.ua @ gmail.com
Skrill: savelifeua @ gmail.com
Book-keeping: https://yadi.sk/d/2oRX3E_TVZcyZ (left column - name and amount of money sent, right column – where money go).


Some photos of our soldiers receiving the support:



Our Prime Minister threatened to get all tough guy with Putin at the upcoming G20 summit because of no apology or compensation for Russian militants shooting down a passenger jet with 38 Australians on board over Ukraine. Putin has responded by sending a fleet of warships to just north of our waters. Maybe we'll be at war with Russia soon also. Or maybe it's just muscle flexing and willy waving. Anyway Putin is definitely a cunt. I'll throw some cash at this.
Our Prime Minister threatened to get all tough guy with Putin at the upcoming G20 summit because of no apology or compensation for Russian militants shooting down a passenger jet with 38 Australians on board over Ukraine. Putin has responded by sending a fleet of warships to just north of our waters. Maybe we'll be at war with Russia soon also. Or maybe it's just muscle flexing and willy waving. Anyway Putin is definitely a cunt. I'll throw some cash at this.
Jesus, I hope it's not gonna lead to this Brad...
Thank you for your concern and support! *hug*
Our Prime Minister threatened to get all tough guy with Putin at the upcoming G20 summit because of no apology or compensation for Russian militants shooting down a passenger jet with 38 Australians on board over Ukraine. Putin has responded by sending a fleet of warships to just north of our waters. Maybe we'll be at war with Russia soon also. Or maybe it's just muscle flexing and willy waving. Anyway Putin is definitely a cunt. I'll throw some cash at this.

Get fucking real.

He's a cunt, but they're not complete idiots.
Does the money go to the state run military? If this were to support individuals suffering directly from this I'd have no issue throwing my support, but I really have no desire to support the military arm of a fascist government.

Russia is definitely a major problem, but supporting a state with open neo-Nazis is not the way to truly help.
My opinion is superficially similar to Morts. I feel for the people suffering due to this conflict, but I don't really understand what the Ukrainians are fighting for. Putin can't be any worse than the crap that appears to be Kiev (other than being Russian crap rather than Ukrainian crap).

I really hesitate to post this because I know it's probably going to come across wrong. It's just a really shitty situation, but I can't see how funding more arms to support a group that's just going to have some other non-Putin asshole gain power is helping.

Russia's traditional military, outside of (off the top of my head) anti-air missile systems, is fairly unremarkable (excluding nukes obvious). I wouldn't worry too much about this particular issue devolving into "World War". Unfortunately for Ukraine, the ignorant economics and bankrupt progressivism/politics of the West has left it illequipped to really respond in any meaningful way.
That's not accurate at all. I'd put the USSR up against anyone except superpowers like the US, India, and China. One-on-one verse anyone else (including Britain, Japan, and Germany) they'd steamroll just about anyone. Obviously this would never happen: Russia no longer has the Warsaw Pact, while NATO remains a force to be reckoned with, and this keeps Russia from posing any real threat to the EU. Still, they are one of the top world powers and the recent seizure of Crimea was a demonstration that they have a well-trained force that's adapted to modern wars. Their technology may be slightly behind the US, but so is almost everyone else.
Nobody wants war; it's outcomes that people want. War is a means.

That was just in response to Tony Abbott thinking he can play "tough guy" with Putin. But to think Australia can even come somewhat close to intimidating Russia is just hysterical. Of course no one wants to be at war, especially with Russia, but can the same thing be said about them? Definitely not.

Russia couldn't win a war against a wealthy developed nation if they tried.

LOLLLL! umerican ignorance at it's finest right there, who fed you that bullshit? They have one of the largest, most powerful militaries in the world, but the US will NEVER acknowledge such a thing. And the brainwashed people here will never believe it either. One of the richest, most powerful countries in the world(if not thee most powerful), but you ask the average person here and the response you would get is RUSSIA IS POOR, RUSSIA IS WEAK etc.... like i said, umerican ignorance at it's finest.

Fuck Russia, i hate that country and most of their people with a passion. But for anyone to deny that they are one of the biggest powerhouses on this planet is just fucking plain stupid and says a lot about how they think .. or to put it more accurately, how others think for them.
Just to rein this conversation back in, Alina has been a part of this community for a very long time, and this is not spamming. She is great and I would 100% trust the veracity of her post. Google translate suggests a lot of these funds go for things like thermal socks and thermoses.
Nobody wants war; it's outcomes that people want. War is a means. Russia is not the military power that the USSR was. Russia couldn't win a war against a wealthy developed nation if they tried.

I think he meant that nobody wants to go to war with Russia because they're bat shit crazy, like North Korea, but to a lesser extent.
But, Faux News says otherwise, Nephy! Time to build nuclear fallout shelters and stock up on rations!

If I had money I would also donate but I'm broke af. Alina, stay safe, sending positive vibes your way.
There was no obligated mobilization yet, the army I'm talking about is volunteers.
I don't get people who say "I don't understand what Ukraine is fighting for.". So when somebody comes to your home and tries to take your land and your people - you just bend over and take it in the butt? Show me a single country who would just let it happen without trying to defend what's theirs.

Guys who actually understand the situation, thank you, I appreciate that.
what the fuck is with your use of "umerican"

Umerican = Stupid, nitwit Americans who think the world revolves around the US.... and that everything the government here feeds them is factual.

What the fuck do you keep bringing up fox news for mathias? I don't follow any news channels. I swear, you're like the pure definition of the dirtbag democrats of today. Absolutely vicious and always on the attack, i wonder why?

And T_B, Russia really isn't that close to China and the US in terms of military strength and resources.

LOL! what the fuck are you talking about? They have the highest number of nuclear weapons, a higher number of total military personnel than the US, and they have the largest petroleum industry in the world, they fucking produce 12% of the worlds oil. Largest exporter of natural gas, second largest coal reserve on earth and one of the biggest oil reserves on this planet. Do you really think they're lacking in resources? :lol: Once again, what the fuck are you talking about? If anything, i'm pretty sure you guys are the ones getting your "facts" from these faux news channels that you keep bringing up.

I'm not going to continue this any further for the sake of this thread.