Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Released, as I'm sure we are all aware, in 4 days this 5 mins-per-track epic is bound to cause a bit of a stir.

With the release of the metal mouthful "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg" Maiden hinted strongly that this album is going to be a bit proggy in nature which worried the fans expecting the galloping fast paced heavy fucking metal of the 80s.

Any road up, I've been keeping well ontop of all this and can declare that (due to means unknown) I obtained a copy of the album.

My initial thoughts are that while the tracks are lengthy and low-tempo they never get boring. I can listen to Dream Theater or Opeth and actually get bored. Whereas with this album a catchy tune, a squealing solo or a soaring Brucey chorus is never too far away.

Definite highlights include "Different World", "Brighter than a Thousand Suns" and "The Pilgrim".

I know there is going to be a dividing line on this album, there will be the Number of the Beast/Piece of Mind types who are dissapointed at the lack of thunderous classic metal songs. Then there are the SSOASS/Dance of Death types who will praise the new direction Maiden appears to be leaning towards in the past few years.

I hope that I am one of the minority who lie on the fence between the too. The fact is that I was scared that Maiden would go too proggy and loose the catchy, headbanging melodies in the depths of a 8 minute long saga. With A Matter of Life and Death I think they have successfully blended the two. I'm really pleased with the way this album falls into place. There's something for everyone but not in a way that compromises the trademark Maiden sound.

Go listen to it. Even if you don't like Maiden. It's not a classic, but it's the best album they've had since Fear of the Dark in my opinion :)
I've been listening to it a few times today too, Different Worlds remains a firm favourite of mine, since hearing it on their website. The Pilgrim and Out of the Shadows also sound pretty good i reckon.

It's not too shabby at all, but then most maiden fans seem to think BNW and DOD are their worst albums whereas i like them rather a lot! (Killers being my least favourite incidentally!)
Read some good things about this, I'm interested to hear where the "proggy" side has ended up this time. I didn't really like DOD much, BNW was ok.....obviously I like Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son the most I think, but I actually like Fear of the Dark more than a lot of the newer stuff. But hey....we're all different! hehe!
Well it must be a classic if its better than BNW or DoD. I know a lot of people didn't enjoy DoD, but I did. There are a few dud tracks, but then again some really good ones.
The cover songs for Bsides of the singles following Breeg have been announced:

In an interview with the Greek Metal Hammer magazine, Adrian Smith revealed these to be ZZ Top's "Tush", Deep Purple's "Space Truckin'", Thin Lizzy's "Angel of Death" and Focus's "Hocus Pocus", the latter featuring Nicko McBrain on vocal duties.

Never heard any of them before, but i shall look forward to Hocus Pocus for sure :rofl:
It's released tomorrow in Ireland, so I'll be down the record shop at 9 tomorrow morning!

I love Different World, Breeg has grown on me a lot, and BTATS was cool when I heard it.. And the chorus to "These Colours don't run" is cool!

And Breeg has gone to number one in both Sweeden and France :D
I'm very suprised that out of all the "favourite" albums whizzing around no one has mentioned either "Piece of Mind" (my personal fave) or "Number of the Beast"!

But either way, BNW was...well it was the return of Bruce and it was juxtaposed against two (decidedly shit, imho) Blaze albums, so no wonder it was well received. SSOASS is good and I enjoyed DoD but neither really won me over entirely.

Anyway, this release looks positive and I think Maiden still have one or two albums left in em...what do people think?
Hey, fuck Blaze and his fanboys!

I don't even dislike Blaze (as I've said before) he's just the anti-Bruce. But more importantly his time with Maiden only ever resulted in two decents songs...imho.
Yeah, Blaze has a lesser range, but much more gutsy voice. Bruce couldn't pull off "really heavy" songs like Silicon Messiah, Tenth Dimesion, and When Two World Collide; and blaze struggles with faster songs that Bruce does perfectly.

I guess I'm going to have to be the bigger man, and agree to disagree, and state that I love both vocalists equally - after all I do own every album by both artists in their solo carriers.

I wonder what people would say if Blaze was thier main singer, and Bruce the stand in? I find that people just slag him off directly becasue of him replacing Bruce. What if he was never in Iron Maiden, would you still hate his guts?Poor old Paul, doesn't even get a look in anymore. :D
Tonberry said:
I guess I'm going to have to be the bigger man, and agree to disagree

Good lad ;)

What if he was never in Iron Maiden, would you still hate his guts?Poor old Paul, doesn't even get a look in anymore. :D

I don't hate his guts! Seriously, I havn't once implied that I hate the guy or even think he's a bad singer...just isn't my cup of tea and I honestly think he doesn't sound right for Maiden. Neither did Paul though really! Don't get me wrong, Paul was good and he did a few songs proud like "Running Free", "Prowler" or "Sancturary" but he's too gruff in a hard-rock-meets-punk kind of way. Same for gutsy and heavy.

Maybe I'm conditioned by heavy metal and power metal to like broad range, falsetto kind of singers....but you can't blame me....i mean after all we are on a fan board for a band with a spectacularly good falsetto singer!
Haha bringing the convo back to PQ :D

I agree that Paul sounded, (and looked) like he belonged in The Sex Pistols!

Have you heard any of B or B's solo work? Tyrany Of Souls was better than Dance of Death :p
I'll be honest I havn't had time for B or B's solo work.

Solo work never goes down well for's always so...unlike the bands they originally came from, y'know what i mean?
Power_Metal_Dom said:
So...unlike the bands they originally came from, y'know what i mean?

Bruce's last 3 are pretty much maiden albums. Although his first ones were more... Hard Rock, catchy, a bit of prog around Skunkworkz.
Blaze is like... Maiden but alot lot lot Heavier.

I suggest you check them out, before I mail you them :rofl: