Maiden| A Matter of Life and Death?

Yup, I agree with those that say it is their best since SSOASS.

Really, it is a return to their classic sound mixed in with their 2000 sound and Bruce's solo stuff (at times it has the atmosphere of his solo stuff as well as the scratchy vocals).

All songs are long and intricate, thus they deserve special attention.

Favs so far: The Pilgrim, For The Greater Good of God, These Colors Don't Run and The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg.

Although I could say they are all my fav since all tracks are worthy :notworthy
General Zod said:
I actually think it's their best work since Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. However, I don't think it's a disc that will hit everyone right away. I think it's a disc that even long-term Maiden fans will want to spin once or twice, come back to in a week, and discover they really enjoy it.

Gotta agree with Zod. Overall the album is darker, heavier and the songs are more epic and more proggish than most anything they've released since the 80's. When 7 of the 10 tracks clock between 7 and 10 minutes, the listener won't have an easy access in them, but paying full attention to every track will reward the listener. My favorites for now are "Brightere Than A Thousand Suns", "For The Greater Good Of God" and "The Legacy". Up the Irons! :rock:

The CD went on sale here in Finland last Friday, the 25th. In selected record stores in five cities the sale began at 12:01 am and people had been standing in queues for hours waiting for the midnight sale to begin. The figures after Friday turned out to show 13.000+ CDs sold in the country. Just 2k under the gold limit! And that was the first day out! Compared with population 13k here equals about 650 k in the USA.

Seeing that Maiden is my favorite band, there's no doubt I'll purchase and enjoy it (to be honest, its hard for me to name an IM disc I don't care for!)

In terms of the downloading topic, I enjoy purchasing cd's as much as the next guy (and I buy waaaay more than my wife can stomach), but I've gotten to a point where I like to at least have some idea as to what I'm purchasing. I'm not one to sit and download an entire cd, which is why I like it when certain bands post samples of songs. That alone gives me a taste of wether I'll like something or each his own, I guess.
I never meant my post to mean there was anything wrong with downloading.
It just seems that for almost EVERY major release, there are TONS of negative reviews prior to the actual release.

It is nothing new. People want to be the first to say something blows.

As I said, my comments were NOT specifically targeted towards the thread starter, rather to leaked albums in general.

Being able to preview sound clips online is a great thing.

It just seems like these days though, by the time an album comes out, people have been arguing about it online for months already.

I just miss the days of everyone getting to hear it for the first time on its release day. A lot of the "excitement" about release day has been taken away with leaks.

I guess I am old fashioned that way. Motorhead are one of my top 10 all-time fav bands. I will be hearing my first lick off the new album for the FIRST time when I pick it up tomorrow. (Though I know there have been samples and leaks online for weeks).
actordude said:
I'm not one to sit and download an entire cd, which is why I like it when certain bands post samples of songs. That alone gives me a taste of wether I'll like something or each his own, I guess.
A fair point. However, there's been a few occasions where I bought a CD after hearing a few, low bit rate MP3 samples off a band's web site, only to find I didn't care for the CD. I'll occasionally still get sucked in by this, but I try to make it a point to hear the whole CD first.

Great post earlier Zod, well said.

Jasonic I also understand your points as well though.

Anyways I took a stab at the new Maiden again, and it really didnt grab me at all. I just deleted it off the hard drive (no joke).
General Zod said:
I actually think it's their best work since Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. However, I don't think it's a disc that will hit everyone right away. I think it's a disc that even long-term Maiden fans will want to spin once or twice, come back to in a week, and discover they really enjoy it.


i agree, it's really really good...way better than Dance of Death and Brave new world
Tim Henderson at BWBK gave the new Maiden a 6.5/10. Too technical and too epic for his tastes. I can appreciate that opition. But.....I'm PUMPED from reading his review as I love the atmosphere of big epics (build, build, build, then all-out assault) Can't get enough of them and can't wait to get the new disc!!! If I wasn't already sold on the album from the clips I've heard, I definitely am after reading Tim rip everything I love about Maiden! Bring it on!

And here's the review mentioned above...
I'm torn on this CD. I have had the download for a week or so, and it hasn't really captured me. I'm starting to get to the point with Maiden where it's all the same. I hear parts of other Maiden classics in the newer stuff.

It's not a bad CD - it's a well-executed Maiden CD with a familar Maiden sound. With a large selection of traditional metal available today, I guess I'm ready for something just a little different from Maiden...

Yes - I will buy the Limited CD+DVD edition when it hits the shelves next Tuesday...
I have enjoyed every minute of it. I really like the raw sound of it. It's Iron Maiden at it's best at what they do now. It will really surprise me if they try to pull a Powerslave type of album nowadays. But I'm definately into the style they've been putting out the last couple of CD's. The more I listen to it, the more I appreciate it. UP THE IRONS!!!
General Zod said:
I actually think it's their best work since Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. However, I don't think it's a disc that will hit everyone right away. I think it's a disc that even long-term Maiden fans will want to spin once or twice, come back to in a week, and discover they really enjoy it.


I agree.

This weekend, my wife and I spotted A Matter of Life and Death in a CD store that we were just casually browsing, not really thinking we'd find anything worth buying (mall store prices are unreal!). But, lo and behold, I looked at the Iron Maiden section and saw it sitting there, sleeping with its brothers. Only one copy. Needless to say, I bought it immediately.

At the counter, I asked the guy who owns the store why Maiden's new release was out already and he said, "Ahh, who pays attention to street dates any more? Besides, with the holiday coming up I figured what the hell."

I've been an Iron Maiden fan for 20 years. Truth be told, I didn't care much for their previous few CDs (Dance of Death, Brave New World, Virtual XI, and The X Factor). Each had a few choice moments. But, overall, I thought they were lyrically repetitive and musically tired. True, it's Maiden and that always means they're several notches above the norm. But even with Bruce and Adrian back in the fold it still wasn't as electrifying as, say, Seventh Son or even Fear of the Dark.

Along comes A Matter of Life and Death and I'm pleasantly surprised.

From the first track ("Different World") I was intrigued. And excited. New Iron Maiden! That classic galloping bass and multi-guitar riffing. And Bruce's distinctive voice -- in fine form.

I've listened to A Matter of Life and Death twice now. It holds up. In fact, it requires repeated listenings.

If you've felt that Maiden had lost a bit of its magic over the years, I think A Matter of Life and Death will cause you to sit up and take notice again. This is very nice stuff, perhaps -- as the General said -- on par with some of their most revered music.

I cannot wait to see these guys again -- especially in support of this kick-butt CD!


I have a good feeling this one is going to do well for them
in the States, it certainly will Worldwide. In any case, I can't
wait until Tuesday!
I bought the new Maiden on Friday...YES...BOUGHT ON of the bonuses to working in a record store...
To give it a short review, excellent writing, recording could be a bit more powerful. I'd say it's a great album ( I mean come on, its fucking Iron Maiden!), but compared to the other two albums with the 6-piece Iron Maiden, it does lack in some aspects.
But it is still your traditional Iron Maiden album,which, IMO, is fine with me.
I love it. I don't think that Bruce's vocals were mastered right. They feel behind the instruments. Perhaps that was on purpose. If I remember correctly, they recoreded the entire album through live playing. How many bands do you know can do that?

The album musically is energetic, and yet at times melancholy. And yes, its Iron Maiden. There are few guitarists who can come up with the riffs that Maiden does.
General Zod said:
Exactly. I've said this before... there's just too much crap out there to buy blind. If someone enjoys the excitement of not knowing what they're getting when they buy a CD, all the power to them. However, I'm not dropping $15 on something I'll never listen to a second time, and end up trading in for pennies on the dollar.

I've previewed roughly 200 CDs this year, of which I've purchased 62. Had I purchased all those CDs blind, I'd be out a bit over $2,000. $2,000 on CDs I'd never listen to again. However, more importantly, had I not had an opportunity to preview CDs, I probably would have only purchased 10-20 CDs this year. Why? Since there's a 75% chance I'm not going to like something that's been recommended to me, why waste my money?

Additionally, since I go to more shows (because I'm aware of more bands) I buy more tickets and t-shirts than I would have otherwise. The record industry/bands have received way more money from me than they would have without me being able to preview CDs.


this is a great insight for us that are musicians and in the business side of it too, thank you for this, I've often heard it in pieces but not in the whole thought as you have stated, makes sence! By the way, I was at a party this weekend
and heard the album playing when I arrived, I'm that Maiden or a clone band????
I was promply told it was the almighty Maiden's new epic and I proceeded to listen in the background of everything.
Since it was in the background of everything I'll have to say that I didn't notice anything that immediately made me
start headbanging or any sort of unconcious body movements of any kind, but it was a solid Maiden album,
I liked the rawness of it, and think that it's true to who they are! I say, Good job!
It goes on sale today and there are some killer buys on it! You can buy it at Circuit City for $8.99 + a free poster. I wish every band would put that sort of price tag on their new releases!