Haha prostitute stories rule! Sometimes they're grose, though... like this one
Back in '94, me and five friends were driving through Europe for about a month, and we stopped in Prague. Four of us went out to see pretty women dance, and the other two were like.. "Yeah, we're gonna stay in tonight.."
We didn't think much of it, so we just went out and drank irresponsibly. When we came back, we more or less kicked down the door and jumped in screaming, like drunk brats usually do. And in one of the beds, one dude is fucking the most hideous prostitutes EVER. She stuttering in a really broken english "Are you fiiiinishid sooooon? fiiinish now pliiiis!" He's just grunting and looking at us, pretty fucking mad.
And in the bathroom, the other dude is having some really fat chick bent over the sink. The four of us are just standing there, oberving this nailing of Shamu. After a while, our friend starts grunting in that charming way that men do when they're finishing up. So another dude stands up to the plate and have at it...
So, this is kinda like 'gugs's story, except here, instead of being out $700, the buyer of the hooker was out $30... And the hooker wasn't eager for more, she had just passed out, so she didn't notice the change in penises...