ITT: We Throw Something at the Poster Above

I get it. You are throwing a question at me because you don't get the thread. lol

Nice pun Marcus.

Hahaha, bitches don't know shit 'bout my English language subtleties!


::throws JSX at Lasse out of bitterness cuz he can actually get it to sound decent:: :lol:
Maybe, but I don't ever think I'd like it more than my Rectifier that replaced it, so no regrets! (not everyone can afford to own both ;))

well...there's nothing wrong with having a Recto, I LOVE mine and would never get rid of it...

about being able to "afford"...I can't,'s just a good excuse for GAS if you have a studio ;)

I don't have a car, no holidays etc though...I prefer amps ;)