ITT: you tell me what your favorite things are

The police aren't too interested in solving vehicle theft, unless it is part of a bigger operation. Actually I got called by the police when they found parts of a bike just like mine. After a few questions it was soon obvious that it wasn't mine. Even then, at that point the bike was the propriety of the insurance company...
i dunno why you want to live there, what's the attraction ? it's usually a little more $$ and for the price a place that's usually way smaller etc.
i dunno, it seemed like a cool area for not much money. i do have a friend there but you know, we can take the metro and stuff. if i want to live on manhattan what are better places to look?
well that's about it i guess if you want to live on manhattan. i think you'd find way cheaper stuff in queens unless like everything you want to do is above 50th street there's nothing special about being on manhattan ya know?
haha i guess that what comes of engaging in a stop-and-start discussion mixed in with reading other threads, other sites, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, etc. i dunno!

i'm kind of excited about living on manhattan. maybe i'll move next year once i learn the lesson you're trying to teach me now. aysha's kind of down on living in the boroughs since she's from one.
well if you have the $$ and it's not inconvenient to where you work harlem certainly isn't 'bad' at all, i would just be on the train literally for over an hour every day (even at my last job in manhattan) if i'd lived there.
coffee, godzilla before 1968, bigfoot, state of VT, the thought of owning a garden, carcass, pizza, spring, rain, minx, fortean times, pumpkins, no order to this list
the trip to Denmark I'm planning, the fact that I have only one more month to live with a roomate, devin townsend's head, NYC pizza, beer, chain smoking, taking a shit, my brother, my 'rents, the sandals they got me in Greece, my best buds, my toy dogs (no homo), cancer jokes, cock rock, working at home
also sam, that was so
