Name your favorite Evergrey

Recreation Day is my favorite. It was the record that made me "get" Evergrey after not really getting into the prior. Since that time I have redug into their past and now Love the older records too.
I think its time I expand my Evergrey knowledge/collection beyond MMA, and um... whatevers in on their site and Myspace >_>.
The Inner Circle

That album takes everything that is good about Evergrey and wraps it up into a vehemently passionate concept album that virtually shoves me through several different moods during it's length. By the time I get to When The Walls Go Down, I'm usually ready to break things. Such a powerful statement wrapped into 10 tracks. Ironically, it's not pompous and overblown like some concept albums can get.

My $0.02...Rock on!
Solitude Dominance Tragedy. The first song I heard from it was She Speaks To The Dead and it fucking blew me the hell away. They had just released the album at the time and man it was so great. The sound is so clear and perfect and the guitar tone is fucking fantabulous. I yearn for that tone again. =(
ashaman7122 said:
The Inner Circle

That album takes everything that is good about Evergrey and wraps it up into a vehemently passionate concept album that virtually shoves me through several different moods during it's length. By the time I get to When The Walls Go Down, I'm usually ready to break things. Such a powerful statement wrapped into 10 tracks. Ironically, it's not pompous and overblown like some concept albums can get.

My $0.02...Rock on!
Sums it up pretty well for me...thank you.:D

S*D*T is a very, very close second.
In Search of Truth

This album always has and probably will always be my favorite Evergrey album. The sound, the atmosphere, the songwriting, just everything about this album captures me. My favorite Evergrey song is also on this album. (Mark of the Triangle)
Toss up for me between Recreation Day and S*D*T. Each contain 2 of my 6 favorite EG Songs (Great Deceiver, Blinded, Solitude Within, Nosferatu, then More Than Ever & Masterplan).
The Inner Circle. Why? Because the subject matter is so deep and I have a daughter who was about a year and a half old when the album came out and it just hit me hard how something like this REALLY happens in the world.