I started this because I figured I could get some actual feedback. The Omega store is pretty much the only place I order cd's when I want them. but lately more and more I haven't wanted to collect more shit that gets moved from place to place. (Since I move roughly once a year).
If it is a contractual obligation with the label, then why would you agree to such terms to begin with? They are Type O Negative for fucks sake...lol
So, how does the End do as far as artist relations? Is it even worth it to try and get signed at this point with a band?
Thanks for the input again.
Psychonaut: I used to do a lot of collecting. I actually collect some vinyl, not because I can play, just because I like collecting some of the obscure stuff.
As for the question regarding why someone would sign that kind of deal.....yknow it's just business, that's how it is, not just with the music biz but with almost any kind of business you have to take the good with the bad. I mean even a band like Type O aren't so "huge" and successful that they can just dictate the contract completely on their own terms. There's just so much crazy shit and legal shit and everything that goes on behind the scenes, I really think by and large people's heads would spin, collectively, if they knew. I am still surprised by alot of the shit that goes on with this business, and it's only getting harder due to slumping sales, greater competition, and so forth.
As for whether or not it's worth signing to a label.....it all depends on what your goals are. If you're content with paying for everything out of your own pockets, including recording costs, advertising costs, t-shirt and cd manufacturing costs, etc., and you're not really looking for mass distribution, then it's probably better to just stay independant and unsigned. Obviously the internet has opened up alot of doors for indie artists to get their music out there quicker, cheaper and easier than before. But it's still not the same as having a label with connections and a cash flow to really take your band to the next level.
We've got a very good rapport with our label, thankfully. I'm not saying that there's never disagreements because of course there is, that's just the way it goes sometimes. But overall they've been very supportive and easy to talk to about ideas and plans. I mean just this year they're releasing these remastered cds from our back catalog, as well as the upcoming DVD, and then hopefully sometime soon, maybe early 2009, we'll have a new cd out as well. So you can see that they're very supportive and keen on us getting ND product out there and everything, plus when you consider the costs of manufacturing and advertising (and let me tell you, ads are fucking expensive) they do put quite alot into this band. But still there are things that we fund from our own money as well, because we want things done a certain way or within a certain timeframe, and the truth is that trying to be an active, creative band in the scene today requires alot of time and money. I think when you can have a situation like ours, where you have a record deal with a cooperative label, but you also still do some things independantly and on your own dime, is probably the best way to go. Sure we'd all love to be able to be on some big label where every single thing is paid for, but the truth to that is, nothing is ever really "free", and the band will still be accountable for those expenses in the long run anyhow. Plus when you sign that kind of deal, you give up alot of control over your direction and everything. To me, it's not worth it. We're quite happy with where things are at right now.
Whenever you buy a cd or purchase the songs from an authorized place like Itunes, you're benefitting the band. Yes our label does account all of this to us and we do get our fair percentage of profits, once all of our debts to the label are accounted for. I won't get into specifics but The End Records gave us a really fair deal and it's alot better than what I've seen other labels offer. They give a shit about their artists and even in the metal underground that can be a rarity.
Oh and I can understand the whole thing about needing to cut back on collecting stuff. Even though I'm not moving around much, I myself find that I'm running out of space for all this shit! haha We certainly don't expect that everyone who says they're a fan of ND should have to buy every item we release. But we hope that they'll take into consideration that stealing our stuff is not a fair option. Even if you hate record labels and all that stuff, truly in the end it is the artists who are going to suffer because of it, no matter what anyone tells you.
Oh and as an aside, has anyone noticed that most of the artists today who talk about how giving away everything for free on the net are the ones who are already popular and wealthy enough to be able to afford it?

Seriously, I mean y'know good for Radiohead that they can give away their album online, but it's easy for a band who already have millions of fans worldwide who'll pay big bucks to see them live and buy their t-shirts, etc. All I can say is, when we've been able to give away shit for free, we have. We released "Reflecting in Grey Dusk" as a free giveaway back in 2004, and believe me it cost us a pretty penny to get those made! We're happy to give shit away when we can actually afford to do so.
Anyhow, I'm off to go see Ace Frehley bumble it up at House Of Blues. This should be interesting