Ive been a vegetarian for 4 days now

vegans are the ones that dont eat fish or dairy products, i think
vegetarians just keep away from red meat and chicken...

im not quite sure
siderea said:
vegans dont eat fish, meat, dairy products etc
vegetarians no fish n meat.
a pesco-vegetarian is a vegetarian who still eats fish
Ah thats the name for it, i told mick there was a name for a veggi that ate fish and he said it was a vegan but i knew that was wrong, so were pesco veggi's cool :cool: sounds almost trendy.
A lot of the older lads I knock about with now are veggies, and they all look younger/in good shape etc. They know their nutrition though, sorting themselves out after years of carnage. On the other hand, most of the veggie girls I know just live on cheese and tomato pizza & chips. Some solely on chips (mentioning no names haha).
I've been a vegetarian for almost a decade, and despite the other damage I perform unto myself (smoking, drinking too much, the drugs, never sleeping, all that), I'm still mistaken for a teenager.

Odd that when I actually WAS a teenager, everyone thought I was much older.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
I've been a vegetarian for almost a decade, and despite the other damage I perform unto myself (smoking, drinking too much, the drugs, never sleeping, all that), I'm still mistaken for a teenager.

Odd that when I actually WAS a teenager, everyone thought I was much older.
Thats it now i am gonna eat well more veggi's haaha :D we are still eatin fish but we cut out the meat, and i am findin quite easy considering it was 'Micks' idea :dopey: anyway, i'll stick it out till i feel the need to rip the horns of a cow. :loco: