Strangelight said:Some solely on chips (mentioning no names haha).

Strangelight said:Some solely on chips (mentioning no names haha).
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:I've been a vegetarian for almost a decade, and despite the other damage I perform unto myself (smoking, drinking too much, the drugs, never sleeping, all that), I'm still mistaken for a teenager.
Odd that when I actually WAS a teenager, everyone thought I was much older.
Susie said:Thats it now i am gonna eat well more veggi's haahawe are still eatin fish but we cut out the meat, and i am findin quite easy considering it was 'Micks' idea
anyway, i'll stick it out till i feel the need to rip the horns of a cow.
Strangelight said:whats the longest anyone can go without having a shit?
Strangelight said:A lot of the older lads I knock about with now are veggies, and they all look younger/in good shape etc. They know their nutrition though, sorting themselves out after years of carnage. On the other hand, most of the veggie girls I know just live on cheese and tomato pizza & chips. Some solely on chips (mentioning no names haha).
Strangelight said:A lot of the older lads I knock about with now are veggies, and they all look younger/in good shape etc. They know their nutrition though, sorting themselves out after years of carnage. On the other hand, most of the veggie girls I know just live on cheese and tomato pizza & chips. Some solely on chips (mentioning no names haha).
ERrrr how come he gets all the support likeyogidaz said:Nice one Mick. Keep it up. Best of luck. It can be difficult for some, but as Dunc said - have it if it starts hurting. It is at least better for health to cut down on it. Did you know that the average male American's stomach contains a good few kilos of undigested meat - I mean OLD meat, not just what was eaten the days before their death, but ROTTEN meat from years earlier. Contrary to what all the morons say, it is not actually natural for humans to eat the amount of meat we currently do in the WESTERN world. It is only in the last hundred or so years of relative prosperity that western people have experienced that meat consumption has spiralled upwards. It was traditionally a luxury that people enjoyed as a treat. On the eco one, I might also like to make the morons think of the amount of forests that are laid to waste just to keep the MILLIONS of cattle that are bred for you to have your daily intake of DEAD stuff.
For me it aint just a health issue, it's also a moral one.
Yeah, I can hear the morons getting all upset now... WHATEVER.
Strangelight said:do you take many supplements like?
Strangelight said:whats the longest anyone can go without having a shit?
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:I take a regular One-A-Day vitamin (everyone probably should), and some creatine before I work out. I can go without the creatine just fine though.
Other than that, nothing.