I've finally done it...


The Cleansing Fire
Mar 18, 2002
In the realm of emptiness
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OK, after seeing the Hell that is Windows Vista, I have purchased a Mac. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm now a PC-hater... :)

I'm a tech guy and work on computers and networks for a living (I do recording in my spare time) so this is a tough pill to swallow. However, I can run XP on my MacBook Pro so, I have converted....

Now, I have an excuse to get rid of Adobe Audition (which is Windows only) and go ProTools or Cubase.

Any thoughts?
I'd say go Digital Performer 5. The thing is extremely intuitive to use and has some really incredibly cool features you'd never think other programs don't have. Every time I learn a new one, Shane keeps telling me that PT doesn't have it.
ive tried DP5 and have to say it scared the hell out of me. I found it really hard to use and not to be intuative at all. Not saying Doc is wrong, just giving you another opinion. I find the interface hideous aswell, but thats merely esthetics
Sorry man, but care to explain what this hell is?

In the K-12 education environment where I work, Vista is a nightmare. It's only compatible with certain HP laser printers (which is all we use--and all I have at home) and the ones that are not won't have drivers available until July. We've had several compatibility problems with programs that work on XP but NOT Vista. Also, remember, we are a small school district and small districts in rural Illinois have no money. So, only about half of all our computers (he have about 250) could even run Vista without upgrading multiple items like RAM, processor, or video card. Ugh...it's become a nightmare. Vista is also not as happy with Windows 2003 Server as it should be. Group Policies don't always stick as they should. Now, our computer retailer tells us we can't even get XP anymore--unless we want to pay the corporate price. Schools get huge discounts on software because we are in education as opposed to the corporate world. Pain in the ass!

So after dealing with all this shit daily, and needing to upgrade my PC at home, I decided to turn my back on Wild Bill and walk into the light. Besides, I can run XP on my Mac for all my native Windows apps with Parallels Desktop. Pretty fucking handy. So, there you are. :)

Microsoft is evil, and Apple has is figured out. Plus, those commercials are so damn funny!!!!!!

fuck vista, it is the new windows ME and will be gone in a year. the peeps at microsoft know this and don't care. go back to PC, use windows XP pro or home and get your hands on a copy of Nuendo 2 or 3. nothing beats recording at 32 bits and being able to scale your computer as CPU's speed up. with macs you are STUCK with what they give you and that is it!!!. (can you tell I am a BIG mac hater) Nuendo has been a monster system for me for several years and I love it everytime I have to use protools it ends up in a crash and lost fiels or geez how come Nuendo does that but PT doesn't?!?!?!? they only place where pt beats Nuendo is in being able to mono side chain

Love Curran
oh no, not again!

p.s. - this sentence cracks me up: "I have purchased a Mac. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm now a PC-hater... " lol
sigh...I've done a couple projects on Vista and have had no problems. Actually, my Vista machine has proven to be more reliable for audio production in the short time I've had it than my XP Pro machine has.

I just don't get it, I guess. But, I use my computer for recording only.

I've used Pro Tools, Nuendo and Cubase and prefer Nuendo to all of them, personally. Maybe if I spent more time with PT I'd change my mind, though.
fuck vista, it is the new windows ME and will be gone in a year. the peeps at microsoft know this and don't care. go back to PC, use windows XP pro or home and get your hands on a copy of Nuendo 2 or 3. nothing beats recording at 32 bits and being able to scale your computer as CPU's speed up. with macs you are STUCK with what they give you and that is it!!!. (can you tell I am a BIG mac hater) Nuendo has been a monster system for me for several years and I love it everytime I have to use protools it ends up in a crash and lost fiels or geez how come Nuendo does that but PT doesn't?!?!?!? they only place where pt beats Nuendo is in being able to mono side chain

Love Curran

HAHA That pretty much covers what i had to say