I've got chapped lips


Oct 28, 2001
I am so sick of winter! Cold everyday, It sucks! I'm all dry and scaly
I can't wait until summer. It's so beautiful and filled with emotion. (Sigh)
The trees, flowers bloom, the sweet aura
Damn biotch winter. I want to move someplace where it's summer all year long.
Summer reminds me of good times.
All well, It'll be summer in a couple months....I think I can make it.
The only thing winter is good for is snow sports, ,and the occasional snowball fight.
I like the northeast USA. We get a little bit of everything as far as weather is concerned - although lately, we have had some pretty wimpy winters (like this year). I had to go to Aspen to taste real winter.

But living where I do, we get really strange weather changes sometimes - I remember once, I went to school one morning without listening to the weather. It was winter, but it was 50 degrees. So I dressed for that weather. Only a few hours later, it was 10 degrees with a -20 wind chill, and I had to walk over a mile home. Brrrrrrr!!! Just last week, it was almost 60 degrees one day, and the next it snowed. Cool :cool:

No matter, the 4 seasons are wonderful.