I've just declared that Funeral Mist has recorded the most evilest moment in music.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002

Funeral Mist - Salvation

One of the best albums of 2003 (I only recently found out about it, though). This thing is some seriously evil black metal. Think of Anaal Nathrakh and Mayhem's brutallity combined with the cold, grim attack of early Immortal and Darkthrone . . . the throw in some awesome originallity. Hell . . . even the production is original sounding on this.

Anyway . . . on to the evilest sounds recorded in music.

The first song on 'Salvation' starts off with some quite orchestration. Very subtle. Then the music kicks in sounding like early Darkthrone . . . all thin-n-crispy and shit. Then . . . BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! The music's volume level, thickness, and speed all get cranked up several notches, and this SCREAM comes on for about five or ten seconds. It actually hurts my ears when I have it up too loud. I played it for my wife, and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

This scream is so evil, I almost shit myself in the name of Satan. This isn't some feminine power metal or King Diamond scream. Imagine the scene in The Passion of the Christ when Satan is defeated and cast back to hell after Jesus is crucified. They show him sitting in hell all pissed off and shit, and he lets off this terrible scream. Funeral Mist does the scream exactly like Satan himself would do. It's AWESOME.

Anyway . . .:loco:
Most evil moment in musical history: 1982, Cat People soundtrack, the end of Night Rabbit. CREEPIEST. MUSIC. EVER. Still scares me shitless.

But maybe I should check out Funeral Mist anyhow... for comparison purpose only of course. :D

EDIT: The end of "The Autopsy" and all of "Night Rabbit." Whoops.
Nothing can beat the evilness of pop music.

Sidenote: I've always wondered why people think Satan would sound, well.....evil. Movies portray him as having a deep booming voice, and most people think he'd probably sound like a lot of death/black metal singers. I think this is inherently wrong. He is pure evil, yet cunning, so I think he'd be more subtle about it, and try to dupe whoever into believing he is doing good. After all, the Bible says he can disguise himself as an angel of light.

I'm not trying to start a religious debate here, just giving my input.
Yes, but when he's pissed off he'd sound like the scream on Funeral Mist. It's absolutely INHUMAN! They obviously put some wicked effects on the scream.

Satan pissed off = scream on Funeral Mist
I think whoever does the voice of Satan in the Last Temptation of Christ is perfect. Normal sounding voice with that slightly mischievous tone. Either that or the whole Ned Flanders thing, the one you least suspect. :Smokedev:
I thought Viggo Mortensen did a good job of playing Satan in The Prophecy. He sounded normal, looked normal and all. ALthough I don't understand why that movie portrayed angels as needing to squat down like they're taking a shit all the time.

I think Satan sounds like Dr. Evil.