i've just heard my first Novembers Doom song


untruly evil
Dec 19, 2002
i've just downloaded a couple of songs from MP3.com... and damn!!!. this band its amazing, i can't belive i didn't listen to them before..

I have to get their albums, buts its gonna be hard here in Mexico, and i don't have a credit card to order from the Internet.

now i'm "in love" with Dark Symphonies... Autumn tears its another gothic stuff from that label... amazing music.
Hopefully with our next release, some of the distribution issues will be worked out, making the release a bit easier to find in the stores. If you can't order with a credit card, all I can say is try to trade with someone who has it, or even Ebay has our stuff on it quite often.
Novembers Paul said:
Hopefully with our next release, some of the distribution issues will be worked out, making the release a bit easier to find in the stores. If you can't order with a credit card, all I can say is try to trade with someone who has it, or even Ebay has our stuff on it quite often.

Ehy... are you Novembers Doom member????.... damn!!!.. i can't belive it!!!!! Well.. then.. thank you guys for making such amazing music!! By the way... where are you from?

well... nobody that i know has any Novembers Doom cd... but i'm sure most of my friends have never heard ND... but thats about to change!!.. i'll make sure they liste to the MP3s i got, and if know my friends well enogh... they are gonna love Novembers Doom!!... its gonna be hard to get the albums, bur surely i'll get it some day.
Ehy... are you Novembers Doom member????.... damn!!!.. i can't belive it!!!!! Well.. then.. thank you guys for making such amazing music!! By the way... where are you from?

well... nobody that i know has any Novembers Doom cd... but i'm sure most of my friends have never heard ND... but thats about to change!!.. i'll make sure they liste to the MP3s i got, and if know my friends well enogh... they are gonna love Novembers Doom!!... its gonna be hard to get the albums, bur surely i'll get it some day.

Thanks for the kind words! We are from the greater Chicagoland area, and rehearse in Chicago.

Email me at novdoom@aol.com and we'll work something out where we can get you some CD's!
oh crap yeah, its only just dawned on me who you are heh, i just went on the forest stream board as well and suddenly realised who that somn guy was.....he's the singer of f.s :Spin: bless, im like a giddy little schoolgirl
The first November's Doom song I heard was a sample from some webpage... Silent Tomorrow. I thought it was pretty good, so I bought the album. I was very pleased to find out it was the least awesome song on the album. I say least awesome because it still kicks ass, just not as much as the rest of the album. Needless to say, I own all the other albums (except for the For Every Leaf that Falls ep), and I headbang to them regularly.
LuminousAether said:
The first November's Doom song I heard was a sample from some webpage... Silent Tomorrow.

Pretty good? It´s excellent....marvellous....heavenly....etc.etc.etc.:) ;)