I've lost my virginity...

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
...to fantastic music that is!!! Remember me? the guy who was asking what album to bey first? Well yesterday I got BwP and I fucking love it!!! This is great stuff. I really like the melodic, acoustic shit and how it is a contrast to the heavy, progressive metal parts. I still don't dig the growls but I can sure live with it. The guitarists go beyond useing simple power chords and create soundscapes with the chords and tri-tones they use.
I dont' have a favourite track as I still havent fully memorized the album. But I'm really digging bleak at the moment (probably as it has less growls than most other songs). But I'm listening to the title track right now and I'm also really getting into it.
So what is your favourite on the album?
And what album do you suggest I buy next?

glad you like it
but bleak is actually a track with more growling, track 4 (drapery falls) is heavy but doesnt have much growling at all, and harvest(track 3) doesnt have any at all.
BWP was the album that got me into opeth too, i fell in love with it and listened to it like 3 times a day, morningrise is now my favorite though, however it is a hard choice, as you may well have noticed when you asked for a suggestion.
Yes, Opeth is a fantastic band. Bleak is my fav. on BwP. I would recommend that you move on to "Morningrise", maybe the best Opeth album. But since you don't like the screams "Still Life" is perhaps a better choice for you. Or you can go for their latest, the clean-vocal-only "Damnation".
WOW, what quick replies...
hmmm... I've listened to The Drapsody Falls and like it more than Bleak. Its taking mw a while to fully digest the album.
If you get an album but you don't find it immediately appealing, keep listening to it. It took me at least a few days, if not weeks to fully get into My Arms Your Hearse, and it is one of the most unique emotional experiences i've ever been through...if that makes any sense to you. For some people it can take a while before you realise the subtle melodic intracasies (spelling please?) spread throughout the albums. :)
Anarkissed said:
If you get an album but you don't find it immediately appealing, keep listening to it. It took me at least a few days, if not weeks to fully get into My Arms Your Hearse, and it is one of the most unique emotional experiences i've ever been through...if that makes any sense to you. For some people it can take a while before you realise the subtle melodic intracasies (spelling please?) spread throughout the albums. :)

Very good advice. He's right :)
It took me forever to get into all of it at first, but when it happened.....oh boy....
This discovery of Opeth sounds very familiar. As an older metalhead I had not purchased much metal for a while losing interest with the scene. Then a couple of years ago or is that 3 I bought BWP. I had not heard metal like this before. (I was always into death metal being a devout worshipper of John Tardy and Cause of Death... I was seriously deranged at the time but that album is still a classic.) The heyday of thrash/death peaked, then black metal saturated the scene and I lost interest for many years.
Opeth made me interested again. And meanwhile all the other genres that I loved, power, death, thrash (and yes Immortal had been born-Sons of Northern Darkness is brilliant) unknown to me were still simmering on as metal always does.
Opeth has been singularly responsible for me getting back into metal and causing by CD expenditure to increase to previous epochs such as the early 90's when I would madly buy metal as a much needed blood transfusion.
Opeth are the metal band that the late 90's early 21st century needs. (By the way do we call the first 10 years of a century the noughties).

Opeth enjoy the journey of discovery.
I used to hate growling until I heard Opeth. Now I LOVE IT. I suggest you get Still Life next and then Deliverance IF you start to like the growls. Deliverance is a very heavy album with lots of growling (it has it's mellow parts too but not as much as BWP or SL). So get Still Life :)
Bleak and Blackwater Park are 2 of my favorite Opeth songs period. They kick ass.

the master took the words right out of my mouth
"unto you i whisper
the wildest dreams...