Jace Mareel

Its all the same, only the names will change
Everyday it seems were wasting away
Another place where the faces are so cold
Id drive all night just to get back home

Im a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
Im wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep, sometimes its not for days
And the people I meet always go their separate ways
Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when youre all alone all you do is think


I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back
I play for keeps, cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, still Im standing tall
Ive seen a million faces an Ive rocked them all

Im a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
Im wanted dead or alive
Im a cowboy, I got the night on my side
Im wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive
I have bailed hay, milked cows, killed a snake, rode a horse, etc...

Zanex.... dude, you have a mullet, I mean, come on ;) :lol:

zanex, please post pictures of mullet. kthnx.

O.K. I used to have a mullet. I have really thick hair and it is hard to grow out at one length. I'm trying to let it grow back out, but not mullet style. Anyway, ledmag and I discussed that the majority of people that have long hair have some type of mullet, or at least here in Kentucky. Hell, look at "Dog the Bounty Hunter". He has one hell of a mullet. As for pics of me go to www.myspace.com/zane_voice_of_the_soul. I have pictures and dates of my many different hairstyles. Enjoy.

Haha I've got family around there.

I'm originally from Louisiana as well, all around. Spent a bit in MS as well. I feel your pain.

At least you've got the weirdness of New Orleans rather than being COMPLETELY surrounded by assholes. "KEEP FIRING ASSHOLES!!!!"

The worst part of N.O. are all the dumb fuckin' college assholes.
Haha I've got family around there.

I'm originally from Louisiana as well, all around. Spent a bit in MS as well. I feel your pain.

At least you've got the weirdness of New Orleans rather than being COMPLETELY surrounded by assholes. "KEEP FIRING ASSHOLES!!!!"

The worst part of N.O. are all the dumb fuckin' college assholes.

That and the horrible crime rates.

I just stay inside and play guitar all day, anyway. I really want to get out of here. I have the compulsion to go to some place that's like rural to the EXTREMEZ. I don't know why...
I bet if the Garden District got some of those crimes they'd fix it up in a hurry.

Yeah, but it's getting so bad, even in my own neighborhood. My old childhood friend (also my next door neighbor), who is one a few weeks younger then me (I'm 16) is starting to deal drugs. I've seen him and his cronies walking around in the field behind our house a few times (the field is an empty cow pasture about a mile wide with nothing but dense woods on either side) and I got suspicious, so one day I decided to go down there to check, and I saw, inside a small patch of area that has bushes and stuff all around it, a bunch of marijuana plants and some mushrooms. I probably should've taken all of it to piss him off, but I'm pretty sure I would've gotten in trouble with marijuana plants and mushrooms in my closet. :lol: I didn't tell anyone because I really don't want to get into it, but if it escalates I'm just going to burn down the whole patch. I'll be sure to tape it too.
I wouldn't do that, dude. That kind of stuff can get you killed. Remember, this is New Orleans. Compton and Brooklyn ain't got shit on us.
I wouldn't do that, dude. That kind of stuff can get you killed. Remember, this is New Orleans. Compton and Brooklyn ain't got shit on us.

Yeah, but I really don't want a drug ring around my house. I've seen the movies, and I've watched the shootouts, and I say "Nay." It's all for the protection of my family, which is why I didn't do anything about the drugs in the first place. also, if I do happen to get in a little disagreement with him, I could take him, and most of his friends from what I've seen, but I'm smart enough to know that little guys in "the business" don't usually walk around without some kind of weapon. So yeah, if it does get worse, I'll make lots of call to the po-poz.

And yes, Compton and Brooklyn get all the attention, but I can assure you that New Orleans is worse.