Jack Daniels

Dec 27, 2004
I was at my friends the other day and he has quite a collection of Jack Daniels bottles, so I got to searching. Searching for the oldschool real Jack Daniels...and 'lo, near the begining of said collection lay a few bottles of the devine necter, the real JD, 45% of Alchoholocaust. Seeing these bottles again in all their glory really made me upset with the current state of JD, and how they wimped out and pussified the abv down to 40%. This is not a mans man drink anymore, its now all of the status/none of the effort. Before if you horked down a bottle of JD in its 45% glory days, you had some bragging rights. "You single handedly tapped out a bear in a no holds bar wrestling match? Well my friend, I single handedly tapped out a bottle of JD!". Now its mearly a sham, a fake, a shadow of its prior glory. If anybody ever brags to you about their elite Jack Daniels swigging skills, do them a favor and remind them how this is not the feat it once was in there fathers time (or even just a few years ago), and to sit down and contemplate the blasphemy that is lowering the alchohol content of such an elustrious beverage. When they finally come to there senses, be there for them to cry on my friends.
"You single handedly tapped out a bear in a no holds bar wrestling match? Well my friend, I single handedly tapped out a bottle of JD!".

that's some hilariously intense imagery right there

both of these guys would have big burly beards and red flannel lumberjack shirts I presume
i live like 50 miles from lynchburg. i could drive down there and talk to them if you like. or kill them. whichever. *shrugs*
i last chugged a bottle of jack like 5 years ago. i think that's when they were still 45% or 43% or whatever.

normal jack is pretty shit whisky. i'd much rather drink jim beam, vo, or 7 if i'm going cheap. i do like their uhhhhhhh i dunno what it's called, single barrel or something? that's pretty good.

either way, i'm proud to have a jack daniels clock permanently stuck at 5pm hanging in my apartment. :)
I like Jack, but I prefer Crown. Dunno, Crown just tastes better straight or mixed with 7UP or Coke. Too much Jack gives me a stomach ache for some reason, but I'm fine with Jim or Crown.

Seagram's 7 is OK, but I'd never buy it when I have the other three choices.
i <3 jd

but i drink evan williams most of the time cuz i'm po

close enough, dammit
holy shit i forgot about kickin' chicken.


the grandaddy of cheap whisky, $17, 101 proof, burn burn burn. :kickass:
also LOLZ at those pictures of evan williams and jd on the rocks like it's some fine single malt scotch liquor. [/snob]
I don't drink liquor based on its alchohol percentage. I drink it based on taste. Most of my favorites tend to be 40%; Woodford Reserve Bourbon, Havana Club Añejo Reserva and Centenario Añejo Tequila.

General Zod said:
I don't drink liquor based on its alchohol percentage. I drink it based on taste.

Exactly. Drinking strictly to get drunk is trailer trash behavior. It's all about quality and tastes and the enjoyment of actually consuming the beverage.
still need to try some Woodford's ... actually bought a bottle last week to give to someone as a gift ... was really tempted to open it while it was sitting in my kitchen for a few days.
J. said:
Exactly. Drinking strictly to get drunk is trailer trash behavior. It's all about quality and tastes and the enjoyment of actually consuming the beverage.
HEY! I'm ex-trailer trash now a redneck......

however, I usually prefer to enjoy my beverage on the journey to drunkenness. Though I'm also starting to enjoy the "heavy buzz" sensation. I'm kinda getting annoyed with waking up in ditches, fields, other towns, strangers houses and jail cells.

Btw... had a few Rickard's Honey Browns, got a nice buzz going and candlemass is VERY tickling my fancy right now! :rock: :kickass:

Party like its 1999!!!
i drank 7 beers + 1 mike's hard lemonshitz and then i smoked a FUCKTON of weed.

and i really don't wanna go to work tomorrow.