
thanks. but it's black!! :(

yes i know, it is my second guitar to :) haha. it costed me 600 euros and the fucking floyd rose was fucked up and didnt keep the tuning at all.. so i sent it back and the company sent me a brand new one. the problem was that this one to had the same kind of problem.. i dont know what it was really. cause it was perfectly modified for 009 strings and all but it just didnt work. i remember one night when i was sleeping in my apartment with the guitar in the couch next to me, all of a sudden i heard something being snapped real hard and it was the strings. the guitar had detuned while i was sleeping! that's how bad it was!
so i went back and told them that i refuse to pay 600 euros for a guitar that aint half as good as my 150 euros squier! and i told them that either you fix this shit up, send me a better model or i want my fucking money back.

i bought the guitar in september but didnt get to play it properly until february 2003!!
now the floyd rose works just great and all! but the sustain man! it's less then a spanish guitar! haha :)

so now i need a REAL guitar! and i will not tolerate myself bying some cheap crap which i obviusly did when i bought the ibanez!

besides! it's a RR we're talking about and we all know who randy was :)
i wouldnt buy it from sweden, i was in trøllhattan the other day, and the retail prices in shops were 2x as much they are in the UK !!! try to order from somewhere like germany or UK.

i remember the POD PRO was 10 000 swedish kr, and in england its around 4500
Seph is right on the 800 dollar thing. They are good knock around guitars...the ones priced under 800 and such. But unless your on tour, and in dire need of an instrument, they are just mere toys compared to the USA models. Just continue to save your money. Be strong! Soon you shall have a mighty USA RR ! HAIL!
k of london..
well the pod costs about 500 euros now i know..

and the rr5 costs 1300 euros. maybe itäs expensive, i dont know..

i will check it out..

but it would be nice if you could post some sites were i can order instruments from germany or uk or something so i can compare

this is the one i think. correct me if im wrong.. different pickups but nonetheless beautiful!
get yourself a rr1, it allow you to access high register easier, cuz the board starts withing the 19th fret, not the 15th, like in rr3. And I advice you to wait for some months more and pay 100euros.

Dont wonder of 24 fret version, 4000$ is a prce for custom model :lol:
i really dont mind that it is 22 frets.
if 21 is enough for yngwie then 22 will sure be enough for me :)
what do you mean with waiting a few months and pay 100 euros?

and can someone post a couple of links to some sites in europe (germany or something close) where i can order this stuff? :yell:
I have RR 5, i bought it when they sold out all Jacksons from Musamaailma, and i got it new, it was 895 e... Original price was about 1300 but it had -25 or something... And i love this fucker!
finally someone who actually owns this instrument..
how is it playing compared to, let's say, an ibanez?
a bit thicker neck, better pick-ups (seymour duncan beats the shit out of most stock ibanez pick-ups.. except for some Dimarzios).. the balance is great on the RR5s, but most ibanezs are balanced very well too..
I played it too a couple of times :)
enough. i will pack my shit and go out of the forest and south to try it in gothenburg or something. thank you everyone. if i knew about this forum before i would never have been buying the fucking ibanez 270dx.
NeedledWarheart said:
I;m just building my own with warmoth parts, one exactly as i want it will cost £3000 from jackson, i can dop one exactly the same with custom paintjob for £650 from warmoth.

Wow, really ? You have the equivalent of a custom shop jackson for "only" (yeah I know it's not that expensive for a guitar) 650£ ? With good pick-ups and everything ? And for 650£, do you have chosen all the useless options like custom fingerboard dots, custom backshape and a few things like that ?