JAE strike back!(spring mood)

amusing Death:)(

cannibal rabbit:)(
Feb 22, 2005
Lenin's motherland
The world have changed....A lot of time we was watching it's fall.Our Earth was usurpated by evil monsters ..... Britney Spears, Tatu(disgrace of our "USSR"), BSB--all these gays will be in

your home soon(maybe they are there already...)..)You are not normal already!!In this blue crazy world YOU ARE JUST NON-GAY....But what we can do could ask
you.Yes, we can!.....Now the war is begun!We must join in JAE(joint agency of evil(this evil is not bad evil, I could say it is sunny evil, saveful evil ,etc.))This organization (JAE) could stand

against EPA(evil pop alliance).The first step will be killing all gays in your country.How???Take your axe(you still have not an axe?!?) and go to street--there are always many gays.When

all gays will be killed by you , the good sunny and happy violence will be ended.JAE will take under control all territory and there is will be beauty and happy world WITHOUT them.....But
this is not end.You've forgotten about hell and paradise .I will explain.Gays don't get in Hell, but paradise is full of them(read bible ).We just need get in hell (it is not a problem).Then we
will unite .We must begin The First And The Last Rebel's War(FLRW-like flower -I like it:))By the moment of taking control over hell we will get more expirience and get levelup!Then it

will be THE FIRST UNVERSE WAR....Only choosen JAE'rs will get to the end of this bloody heaven.Just when last gay's mmm....head will be axed(read bible) we could sleep quietly.Until the world

will not changed again......
P.S.I just glad to see March in my window (in Russia it is not sunny and funny spring--dirt and trash under your feet and a lot of dog's shit ,(don't believe our president --he is a gay too,

there is no democracy in Russia , just other tzar) but it is spring.Good time for gaykilling.:))) :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
P.P.S.Dedicated to all females, who are not boys.We love you all!Happy bloody spring to you!!! ;)
omg, are you trying to say something here?
cuz, just for the record, even the cob dudes are not against gays at all (it can be proved by their support to halford) and all that homophobia is absolutely disrespectul to gays
confusing. it's funny. seems too silly to be against real gays. i laughed. real gays dont bother me. dont be a hater. if it is hating, it is too silly to be worried about... FUK JAU! just in case. this is off-topic. my opinion.
yeah...do you really think it's homofobia??my doctor says I haven't it (maybe he is a gay too??)"Don't be a retard" , it is a joke, but there is a part of truth.
Don't be just "cob's dude", don't be just a part of mass.I'm a metalhead, not * dude.I think this is interesting in metal culture(?) that we mustn't be just a sheep in "funny village".Feel yourself like world is for you and cuz you are responsible for it."World dies everytime with us"(Kuprin).I really don't want to ask you "join in JAE", but look around--this world is really full of shit!It always was the same.Don't just listen words like "be free , believe in your freedom ,lala :headbang: "Be really free or you are just a peace of shit.You think you "are not like others", but is this true?If you mark under you mind "dudes are not against gays at all" , who are you after this??Be yourself and don't speak for all , who are "the cob dudes "(by the way me too).Whey are not you!Seriosly you mustn't understand this , cuz maybe your mom have to pay inet bill everyday.Maybe she doesnt.Maybe I should explain more ...seriosly , but it is just a dumb joke.Be yourself and try to change the world going in blue ass!
Join in JAE!!! really respect for all who are really true-metal, not just dudes of something! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: